a day in the life except it's like less than a quarter of a day in the life

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"B'hoy, go ahead and butt me!" The ill-favoured man shouted as he rung his bell. 

A beautiful boy walked in, waiting for someone to save him from his old ways and his low-paying life.

 He fetched a cigarette  and hid the pavement dust in the cigarette and he slipped it inbetween the ugly man's mouth, to which he lit the cigarette. 

"Now I know how Joan Of Arc felt!" A morbid voice whined in the fields. His melodramatic voice echoed throughout the country and all the way to France. That might've explained the Provence earthquake.

"And I'll dust my lemon lies, with powder pink and sweet! The day I stop's the day you change and fly away, away from me!" A powdery pink and sweet voice sung to his lover.

 Were him and whiny voice lovers? Did the lover come over? Did the lover come over and have a drink or did he just not have the time?

The gorgeous boy glared towards the corner of the room."Thy name's Brandon, if you must be begging to squawk." The gorgeous boy, now known as Brandon, introduced.

"Bitch the pot, thy gay dog!" A unappealing woman screamed for the whole world to her. But the world didn't listen at her demands and bring the brew over, instead she had a peasant working for her. 

'The ordinary won't hark. Andy, yond wench, being in a carriage with a wench. The wench, being his ordinary. He did promise me she's not his ordinary. But the lady is. Yond wench did lie. The closet'd homosexual.' Brandon thought to himself, it seemed like there was a great deal of impact left on him over someone starred as 'Andy', very good drama, it seems.

Brandon fetched the teapot and poured it into the great China teacup. All with a glare on his face, of course. 

Although he was hidden in rags, he wanted something they'll never have.

"May I get something better, please?" Brandon asked politely as a diva could be, while handing the great fine China teacup over.

 "Quit your noise you doomsayer!" The horrendous looking woman SPAT. "We don't want to be spit on, we just want to play, new clothes." A feminine looking pretty boy made a good point.

The mosquito looking man flew out his cane and whipped the two peasant boys. Brandon screamed in pain, while the feminine looking pretty boy rolled onto the floor. 

"Thither goeth the whipping, gaze me whip whip and gaze me nae nae!" The monkey exclaimed with laughter, "Would thee like a whip whip?" a species other an homosapian asked. 

"How much teen shall occur?" The monkey asked in return. "Nay teen, nay gain. T might sort out thy sideburns thee fucking monkey!" Another species other an homosapian replied.

"Where are you going, Brandon?" The feminine looking pretty boy asked. "Ain't we all just runaways?" Brandon asked as he packed some supplies into a pocket in his rags. 

"No, Brandon we are not. We have to stay here as servants, otherwise where would we go?" The feminine looking pretty boy asked, "I might just runaway somewhere else some place good." Brandon answered.

"Are you coming or are you going to die here all night?" Brandon asked. "Should I stay or should I go?" A distant voice on the horizon behind a smokey ship asked. 

"What about Steven?" The feminine looking pretty boy asked as Brandon's heart skipped a few beats. "He can come with us, so can Robert." Brandon answered. 

"We've got time to leave, haven't we?" The feminine looking pretty boy asked. "Johnny, that ain't much, we can't wait 'til tomorrow. You gotta know that this is real, baby why you wanna  fight it? It's the one thing you can choose oh!" Brandon threw reality into the air. 

The boy, who we now know as Johnny, packed his very little things and touched a shelf longingly.

"Bunk to the fields you  coots!" The extremely unattractive woman screamed. "No, talk about being at the right place at the right time!" Brandon muttered. 

Brandon and Johnny, or Johnny and Brandon — whichever fits better —, set out to the fields. 

The duo saw the boy who obtained the whiny voice and the boy who kept the powder pink and sweet voice. 

"Steven, we're leaving today." Johnny informed whiny voice. "Oh finally, i bethought i might kicketh the bucket with a smileth on mine own visage after all down hither. This is such hard worketh, I now know how Joan Of Arc felt!" Whiny voice, known as Steven, whined once more. 

"When, where and how?" Powder pink and sweet voice boy asked, "Today, maybe even right now. I don't know where, but we're in the fields so we can easily run away here." Brandon answered.

"How am i going to structure my beautiful quiff?!" Steven asked in despair, "I've got your quiff things here!" Johnny answered, "Thank you Johnny!" Steven thanked.

"What would you use for your hair and make up, Robert?" Brandon asked, "Oh, I always use puddle water for my hair and bird shit so I'll be alright!" Powdery pink and sweet voice, who we now know as Robert, answered.

It appeared that the four of them set off into the trees. 

Yes, we may be hidden by rags but we have something they'll never have.Where stories live. Discover now