the plot of runaways

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As it seems, the four peasants set off into the trees. 

"Oh mine own, johnny behold! it's a tree! isn't t magnificent?" Steven asked, "Yeah, it's a tree." Johnny answered uninterested. The  most cruelest thing one can do to another, not listen or seem extremely uninterested when one talks about something they're ever so passionately about.

"What type of tree is that?" Brandon asked, fawning at the seams while smiling like he means it. With Steven, he meant it every time whatever smile, he smiled the most.

"I believeth t is a hemlock tree!" Steven answered; although he enjoyed Brandon's efforts, it was never enough. He wanted Johnny's attention. 

"Its' trunk looks like your eyebrows!" Robert remarked while laughing, "At least i has't the glory of nature, unlike having to useth what cometh out of a bird's behind f'r mine own hair!" Steven quipped.

Steven and Johnny started aggressively making out underneath a tree, while Robert decided to climb up a tree. 

A man with a very receding hairline came into far distance. A shortsighted individual would not be able to see the man.

He quite enjoyed the look of Brandon, in a natural way

"A ONE A TWO A ONE TWO THREE!!!!" A straining voice screamed with the sound of drums beginning along with bass and guitar. 

"SHE PLAYS THE DRUMS I'M ON TAMBOURINE!!!!" Brandon subconsciously squealed out of excitement and happiness.

To which, dearest Brandon did a cartwheel down the forest for the hills, but he fell in a river that was wilde.

"YOU BETTER RUN FOR THE HILLS BEFORE THEY BURN LISTEN TO THE SOUND OF THE WORLD, DON'T WATCH IT TURN!! I JUST WANT TO SHOW YOU WHAT I KNOW AND CATCH YOU WHEN THE CURRENTS LET YOU GO!!" Brandon screamed as loud as he could, mainly directed to Steven. He wanted him to be careful and be safe with how blind he can be. 

After what seemed like quite a long time, he felt the energy draining out of his body. Mainly throughout his legs, his head was repeating the very faint sound of the waves in a vision that was all a blur whatsoever.

He then realised, they weren't looking for him. He felt his throat hitch and he had no feeling of enjoyment. 

"I'm coming to find you, if it takes me all night." Robert muttered underneath his breath. 'And run until, you make it right.' The receding hairlines man thought.

Perhaps they was looking for him? But even so, what difference does it make? Brandon's limbs gave up, it knew it was too tired; he became plagued  with fatigue. He just wanted to die or to go to sleep.

"A sofa, watch my lethargic legs build up on this!" The monkey cried while indulged into laughter. 

"Or should I just get along with myself? I never did get along with everybody else.. I've been trying hard to do what's right." Brandon muttered with the very little remaining energy he had soaked in his body.

"But you know I could stay here all night and watch the clouds fall from the sky. Well, this river is wild. This River Is Wild." Brandon spoke with a low, soft melancholic voice. 

He gave up on waiting on some beautiful boy to save him from his old ways. He's tired and he wants to go to bed, and he's feeling very sick and ill today. 

He felt empty and numb, longing for something he couldn't quite locate. 

Yes, we may be hidden by rags but we have something they'll never have.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora