Chapter 1-The Betrayal

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! The story is translated !

! Not Mine !

..." - someone says something
//...// - someone thinks something
Flashback: always in italics
Changes in location or perspective are marked in 

Undisclosed Desire

Chapter 1

It was dark. Everything in Konoha was asleep. Except for the 5th Hokagen Tsunade and a certain other person. This person was none other than Kakashi Hatake Jonin and former Anbu member from Konohagakure. The silver-haired man had been lying awake for a long time... Waiting for his opportunity. Kakashi had decided to leave Konoha forever... The hatred and contempt for his soon-to-be-former home village was greater than anything else in the world! But before he left, he had to do something... He had thought about it for a long time, but Kakashi's decision was clear... He will steal some forbidden scrolls from the Hokagen's mansion... He himself had no interest in forbidden ones and strong jutsus, but that didn't mean there wasn't anyone else interested... If he ever got into trouble, he always had a good ace up his sleeve! Kakashi would then simply trade scrolls. At least that's how he imagined it... This meant he could avoid some annoying fights. After all, as a nuke-nin, he had neither the annoying Naruto nor the useless Sakura at his side... Even if Kakashi had to admit to himself that Sakura, with the healing jutsu she mastered today, wasn't as useless as she was back when she was just getting in everyone's way . And from now on he had to do without Naruto's Rasengan... Well... Not that it would be a huge loss. Not having to endure the annoying blaring anymore made up for it.

Kakashi stood up and went into the hallway. Once there, he strapped his katana, a long and sharp sword that he had had since his Anbu days, to his right thigh using a strap... This way, if danger approached, the silver-haired man always had his weapon at hand. Then he grabbed his gray colored backpack that was standing in one corner. He shouldered it on his back. In the backpack were two bottles of sake, his favorite books from the Flirtparadis series and his Anbu armor, which he would later exchange for his khaki-colored vest and his blue sweater after he left Konoha. And last but not least, his mask from his Anbu times was also in his backpack. That way no one would recognize him so quickly.

Once Tsunade was completely drunk, he would grab the key to the next room. That's where all the scrolls were. He would then simply let these disappear into his backpack.
//And if everything goes smoothly, no one would notice that the scrolls were missing.//, Kakashi thought and put on his sandals.
He left the house and entered the deserted street. It was two o'clock in the morning. Kakashi would be surprised if he met any human soul. Even though he knew this, he behaved as normal as usual... Just like he had always behaved in the last few years... Friendly, nice and very normal.

The silver-haired man strolled through the streets with his hands in his pockets. Every now and then he would come across a stray cat. And Kakashi had also seen homeless people lying around in run-down alleys from time to time. It was hard to believe, but even in Konoha there was something like that... Even as a child, Kakashi hadn't really known how to behave around such people... His father had often beaten him up back then because he was always so blatantly staring at the homeless ...
"Even if these people don't have a home, you should still treat them with respect. After all, you don't know what these people have been through. And believe me, they don't need a little child like you staring at them like that."
Kakashi, who hadn't yet fully understood what his father's words meant at the time, had only replied defiantly:
"I'm not little!"
His father had laughed and then ruffled his hair and not a few minutes later bought him an ice cream on the next corner. For Kakashi, everything was back to normal after that...

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