Chapter 2-One nuisance follows the next!

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! The story is translated !

! Not Mine !

"..." - someone says something
//...// - someone thinks something
Flashback: always in italics
Changes in location or perspective are marked in bold

Chapter 2

In Konohagakure:

Kakashi truly struggled. He had been looking forward to his independence so much and now he had to compete against a bunch of Anbus... Okay... It wasn't a whole bunch... It was three. But even these could become annoying after a while...

The silver-haired man drew his katana and attacked the three. Since they apparently hadn't expected an attack from him, since they were in the majority... he had the element of surprise on his side.

With a feint he struck down one of them.

Just as Kakashi was about to rejoice that he now only had two opponents in front of him, two more Anbus suddenly appeared. They looked vaguely familiar. When the woman of both rushed towards him, he finally knew Yutaka and Kumiko. A little surprised, he dodged her attack to the left and then grabbed her by the collar. With momentum he threw it against another Anbu member who was also about to attack him. They landed with a crash into a load of barrels filled with red wine.

Kakashi grinned happily when he saw that the two didn't move for the first time. He used this chance to attack the remaining opponents with his katana. Both of them cleverly avoided it. The next moment both came shooting from one side each. They both pierced him with their katanas. He fell to the ground. The moment the silver-haired man's body hit the ground, a cloud of white smoke appeared. When the fog cleared, all that was found was a tree stump.
"Jutsu of exchange?!" one exclaimed in shock.
The next moment, however, he screamed because Kakashi pierced him with his katana.
"You should never turn your back on your opponent!" he whispered in his ear, tearing it Katana from his body and kicked him to the ground.

He then concentrated chakra into one of his hands and used Chidori. Quickly, he pierced his hand through the Anbu's heart. Gasping in pain, he collapsed against the silver-haired man's chest. Annoyed, he pulled his hand out of the lifeless body. This was covered in blood. He pushed the dead man away and looked up in surprise when he heard a battle cry.
"Troublesome brat!" he growled and had a fistfight with the attacker. Ultimately, he cut his throat with a kunai.

Another Anbu stormed towards him.

Since he had just been busy, he noticed It was too late to evade the attack, but it was a little too late. The silver-haired man suppressed every sound of pain and pierced his opponent with the katana. He collapsed and doubled over Pain.

The wound was quite deep. Enraged by these circumstances, he discovered that two of his attackers were still alive. He wanted to go into attack position, but he immediately hissed as he moved his injured arm. It wouldn't work that way. Even if the silver-haired man didn't approve of leaving survivors behind, he saw no other option than to retreat. He threw a smoke bomb and disappeared into the rising, thick smoke. He took refuge in the forest. Once there, as planned, he took off his clothes and replaced them with his Anbu clothes. Since everything had to happen quickly, Kakashi was even more annoyed that his arm was more than just a hindrance. He put the mask on and stuffed the other items of clothing into his backpack. Then he was finished. It was a huge effort, but it gave him a bit of a head start because he wasn't immediately recognized. He held his injured arm, then jumped from tree to tree away from his former home village.

Somewhere far away in a cave:

"What do you mean: You can't find him?!"
The black silhouette of a man with strange-looking eyes looked coldly at two other silhouettes.
"We couldn't find him anywhere, Leader-sama!" said the one of the two.
The man next to him, who apparently didn't have a calm disposition, immediately shouted:
"This son of a bitch has disappeared from the face of the earth!"
The other shady people watched the three of them during the discussion.

"We got the information from Zetsu that he is seriously wounded. "It won't be too hard to find a wounded man!" the man growled angrily at the two of them.
The cheeky man's eyes widened.
"Injured? Why didn't anyone tell me about this?!" he snapped furiously and waved his arms around.
The man next to him growled at him warningly.
"What does that mean, Hidan?!"
"Now relax, miser!" The person being addressed grumbled and folded his arms behind his head in a relaxed manner. The
miser in question only narrowed his eyes even more.
Kakuzu! Pull yourself together! What do you mean by that?"
The man with the spiky hair looked at both of them chastisingly before turning his attention to the cheeky Hidan.
"Oh... well... If someone had told me sooner that the ass was hurt, Miser and I would have been through the nasty mission long ago. Earlier on the way here I saw a man in Anbu clothing. He had silver hair and had held his arm. The guy looked exhausted. This fucker could be relaxed, right?"
Kakuzu pulled his partner's head off in front of the entire team.
"Why didn't you say that right away?!" he asked quite angrily.
"Because maybe I just wasn't listening before?" he mocked and ducked because Kakuzu wanted to punch him.
"Quiet! Hidan! Kakuzu! Get him here! And this time... don't screw it up!"


The silver-haired man was now staggering through the forest. He barely had any strength left. The area around him blurred slightly. He wouldn't have been able to should rush off like that... Panting
, he leaned against one of the trees. The blood on his hand with which he was holding the wound had already dried and the clothes were sticking uncomfortably to his skin in the places where the blood had seeped through
sighed. This wouldn't work for long.

When he had just decided to set up camp here, a strange laugh echoed through the trees.
He had just blinked and two Akatsuki members were already standing in front of
him knew that in his current state he had almost no chance against them both, but the black threads of one guy grabbed him tightly and wrapped themselves around his body and held him in place. His arms were pressed painfully against his torso.
"We got you, you bum!" laughed the guy with the crazy grin on his face and brandished his scythe.

Next chapter! Because it's already too big! (◍•ᴗ•◍)

- ♡ Author ♡

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