Characters' Infomation

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Midoriya Izuku

Midoriya Izuku

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Age: 14 years

Height: 1.65 m

Birthday: July 15

Mana Affinity: Darkness

Background: He lives in a society where 80% of the world population has a super power, and thus creating the dream life of super heroes. He has dreamt to become a hero just like the symbol of peace, All Might; unfortunately, he is part of the other 20%. Since the age of 4, he has been harassed by other kids, especially his childhood friend, Bakugo Katsuki, but still persisted on his own dream by hoping his super power would come. The last thing he remembers, he was going to his school and encountered a battle between a wood-based hero and a giant heroine against a villain, before he appeared in this world. 

Komi Shouko

Age: 15 years

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Age: 15 years

Height: 1.68 m

Birthday: December 25

Mana Affinity: Light

Background: She has suffered from a communication disorder since she was a kid, leaving her unable to interact with other kids; something that commonly happens is she freezes and trembles when a person tries to interact with her, causing them to be scared of her but still recognizing her as a unique beauty. Outside from her family, she has been alone as she never had a friend across her scholar years. Before appearing in this world, she remembers that she was heading to the school as her high school was about to begin.

Sonic The Hedgehog

Sonic The Hedgehog

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Age: 16 years

Height: 1.00 m

Birthday: June 23

Power: Supersonic Speed

Background: He has run across many adventures throughout his life; he has gone from liberating some small animals from an evil doctor named Dr. Eggman, and his robots up to fighting an ancient interdimensional being. In his adventures, he has met many other people that he considers as friends, and also he has created many unique memories. According to his memory, he was heading towards Angel Island to pay a visit to one of his friends before he was sent to this world.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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