summerville doesn't love me ─ addler

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title : summerville doesn't love mefandom : ghostbustersoc / pairing : randie addams andegon spengler (addler)trigger warnings : mentions of rape /s*xual assault, drugs

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title : summerville doesn't love me
fandom : ghostbusters
oc / pairing : randie addams and
egon spengler (addler)
trigger warnings : mentions of rape /
s*xual assault, drugs

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THE TWO STAND ACROSS FROM EACH OTHER, RANDIE with his arms crossed as if he were cold. His blue eyes, usually bright, have dulled into a cool blue. There was no light in them anymore. At least, not in the moment. He tried to register what he had just heard Egon tell him. The Second Coming of Gozer and Summerville was pretty much all he heard.

Egon looks at him. He isn't sure whether Randie believes him or not. Randie is his last hope. No one else believed him. Not Ray, not Winston, and certainly not Peter. He waited for Randie's response. It's nothing. A whole lotta nothing.

"You don't believe me."

Randie finally looks at him. It's clear that he's serious about this. Then again, when is he not? He's quiet. The southern man tried to gather is words. It was definitely something that he couldn't wrap his head around. Probably because of the mention of Summerville. The place he swore he wouldn't go back to.

Please say you believe me ...

That's what Egon's eyes had written in that moment. Though his face was always serious, Randie had learned to read him. It took a long time, but he managed to do it.

"I believe you," Randie whispered.

Egon walks closer to the other. "Then you'll come with me?"

Come with him? To Summerville?

Randie takes a step back, shaking his head. He's like a child who doesn't want to go where his parents take him. "No," he said almost immediately.

"No?" Egon whispered.

"No, I can't go with you," Randie repeated, "I cut all ties with Summerville. I don't want to go back."

"You're the only one who believes me about this," Egon explained, "I tried to get the others on board, I really did. But they just said that it wasn't possible. I know that they're still out there, and I know where it's headed."

"Can't you go alone?"

Ouch. Randie didn't mean for it to come out the way it did. It made Egon step back. Randie feels immediate regret. He walked up to Egon, blue eyes softening the more he looked at the scientist.

"I could," Egon said directly, "But I know that there will be a better outcome I had help."

"How would I be of assistance?" Randie asked, "I'm just a mere secretary who only assists you in your research. I don't exactly do much."

"You know Summerville better than I do," Egon told him, "You'll be able to help me. Besides, you say you miss it all the time, it makes you homesick──"

"Just because I get homesick doesn't mean I ever wanna go back," Randie said. There's sharpness in his voice.

And then Egon saw it.

Randie was scared.

Egon slowly trailed closer to him. He's not the one for touch, but he just reached out for Randie anyways. The other man flinched. He never flinched when it came to him.

"What happened to you in Summerville?"

Randie was dead silent. What happened? The question rang through his head over and over. No one's ever asked. No one's ever cared. When he said he moved to get away, that was that. He didn't have to tell anyone what happened.

"It wasn't my fault."

"What are you talking about?" Egon asked.

"She drugged my drink, I was unconscious," Randie spoke. His voice is shaking.

"I told her to stop when I woke up──"

Egon got the picture very clearly. He doesn't need any more. As much as he wanted to stand closer to him in that moment, it was clear that Randie was having an episode. He always knew something happened to him. He didn't know that it was this.

"That's enough," Egon said to him, "Look at me."

Randie's eyes hesitantly look at Egon. The scientist could see everything. The fear and anxiety in his eyes.

"You're right. It's not your fault," Egon told him, "And whoever told you that it was your fault ... They don't know what they're talking about."

"I should've done something," Randie whispered.

"You were drugged and unconscious. You didn't know until the evil deed was halfway over," Egon explained to him, "And being unable to move is a side effect to being drugged. You don't even have to be drugged. People just freeze, even when they're alert it's called attentive immobility."

He can tell that Randie is scared. He's terrified of going back to a place that's done him so dirty. Egon felt bad for even asking him to go in the first place. But, the last thing he wanted was a town that Randie loved dearly to be completely destroyed by some Sumerian God.

"I'm sorry ..." Egon whispered.

"Don't apologize," Randie said back, "You didn't know. I didn't tell you."

The two of them are now quiet. Each passing moment, a thought crosses through both of their minds. Egon fully turned to Randie. The southern man is facing toward the window, a sigh escaping his lips to calm himself.

"I just thought I was doing the right thing," Egon said, "I know you love Summerville. You tell me how much you miss it."

"It's true," Randie told him, "I do love Summerville."

He then turned to Egon. His eyes are still sad, but they are brighter than they were before they started talking about this.

"Summerville doesn't love me."

"I love you," Egon said quickly, "And I won't let anyone else hurt you. I won't let that happen. That is ... If you go with me."

Randie almost puts his hand over Egon's. He stopped, as he almost forgot to do something. His hand is hovering over the scientist's hand, seeking precautions.

"Can I?" Randie asked quietly.

Egon simply gave a nod. Randie slowly takes his hand, his fingers intertwined.

"So ... Will you go with me?" Egon questioned.

Randie gave a confident nod.


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