דג (Fish)

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summary: Jesus and John go fish yayyy 🥳🥳

John was crowded around Jesus in 'Bethany beyond Jordan', North of the Dead Sea with all the other disciples. Jesus was baptizing many sinners and lepers, near and far. When the crowd had slowly let up, and Jesus had no one else in the pond, John snuck up behind him and..

"I'm sorry, okay! I should have explained to you what I was going to–this is just a misunderstanding! Since you were near the pond, I wanted to make you laugh–it was just some fun, Messiah!." John cried out.

"Yeah, you made me get stuck in the water, John." Jesus replied discomforted  "My tunic is ripped, because of you." Jesus treked away

"Messiah, wait!"

Jesus Moves away from John in betrayal. How could someone he had put his faith and trust into humiliate him in such a manner? (I can't)

"Messiah, please just listen to me! I'm sorry, I should've done better, I know it was wrong–"

Jesus turns to John "Then why don't you act like it? You say ' i'm sorry about this,' 'Forgive me, that' But when will it ever amount, John?" Jesus Looks at John with sad, tired eyes (GASP JESUS CHRSIT SUPERSTAR REFERENCE NO WAY GRAHAAUHAAHUA😱🛐) "You are not truly sorry for your sins and evil doings until you stop it completely. I know you wish for a close connection with I, but you have deceived as all the sinners have."

" Jesus—Rabbi, I"

"​​How can you call me Lord, Rabbi, Messiah, if you do not act in thy name of the Lord? You say you put your faith in me, and worship I, yet you mortify me during the Baptisms."

John is quiet. He was so focused on being captivated in his love for Jesus that he forgot how to serve in the Lord's name. "Lord," John whispered, "I am terribly sorry for my errors. I know I cannot make it up to you, even with this apology now. But please acknowledge that I am sorry." John waits for Jesus's response, yet he doesn't.

Jesus extends his hand out to John, who hesitates at first, but places his hand in his Messiah's palm. "I shall forgive you, my Apostle. For even if you disobey me 33 times, I shall forgive thou." Jesus grins wearily "You truly are fit to be an Apostle, John. I also apologize for my harsh behavior." He holds John's hand while John is tearing up, filled with gratitude that Jesus had forgiven him. Once John realized he has had his hand in Jesus' for a while now, he gets slightly embarrassed and gently pulls it away.

Johns clears his throat in an effort to make sure Jesus doesn't know he sort of appreciated them holding hands, yet he already knew. Did he know? Did he? Shoot. "Weeeell, Messiah. I shall go catch fish for laters Supper, we shall have a feast for your gracious deeds! And I shall write this down." John wanted some sort of way to impress Jesus, he didn't want his Pride to get to his head, for that is a sin, but he still urged to prove himself. As John walked towards the dock he felt a hand lie on his shoulder gently. He stopped in his tracks.

"If you do not mind," Jesus said in a hushed tone "May I come with you, my dear Apostle? It would be nice to spend some time with you." This time, without hesitation, John gently grabbed Jesus' arm and rushed them on his boat. Jesus cried happily in laughter. "He laughed!" John thought. "He actually laughed!" John couldn't remember the last time he heard Jesus make that sweet, joyful, noise. Ever since they came to Jerusalem, he had been more isolated, more engulfed in prayer. John never knew why, but it didn't matter, well not for now, at least.

John starts paddling with Jesus on the boat. He is quite pleased with how things are going. "Hey, uh..just so you know" John spoke while paddling outward towards Sea "It has been a pretty slow season, Messiah. Not as much catch as before..just mentioning." John thought he sounded like an idiot. Who says the season is slow when your Messiah, a.k.a the amazing guy across from you is waiting to fish with you?! "But!" John followed up suddenly "It should be fine, don't worry! I'm not worrying, right, you..you calm down, okay. You look nice, i..i mean you always look nice but.." John took out the fishing net "..nevermind!" Stupid John!

"You say the catch is not good, right now, is it?"

"No, it's..uh. Its not, Rabbi, no"

"Huh.." Jesus looked at the water, it was clear, glistening, and warm against the Sun's extraordinary heat. He glances at John's net. It is ripped in a certain section "John, your net is torn!" John chuckles nervously "Yeah..I'm aware, Rabbi. But I can't afford a new one, for prices have risen, so. I must make do" Jesus took note of this. He then started whispering an incoherent prayer, as the sky cleared of its clouds and the Sun shone on the Sea .

John notices a shuffling rumbling underneath the boat, indicating that there must be fish! Quickly, John pulled up the net, and in amazement, he gazed at hundreds of fish upon him, splashing everywhere "Messiah! Look! I must've been wrong, this is a good season!" John was excited, 1. Because he could actually provide a supper in honor of Jesus, 2, he made a good impression on him, and 3, he could add something to his writing!

"Messiah, did you do this?" John said, eagerly

"While, you shall believe what you shall, this was definitely the Lord's doings"

John shuffled over to Jesus and whirls him into an embrace tightly "Thank you, Lord!" He does not realize how close they are to the edge of the boat, let alone each other. "Of course, My Dear Apostle ." Jesus whispered into John's ear. Jesus reciprocated the hug and then, the two fell overboard😇

Jesus promptly grabs John's arm and pulls both of them back onto the boat "Messiah, forgive me I—" "Haha!!" Jesus was laughing in enjoyment "John, I loved it!" John's distressed look turned into one of glee "He liked it..he Liked me!!" . John motioned towards Jesus "Rabbi, we should most likely change into less..soaked clothes, hm?" John stared at Jesus, his wet hair glimmered in the Sun's rays, Wow, he looked amazing. "We most likely should," Jesus answered. John started paddling towards the pier.

John and Jesus pull up the net full of fish onto the dock. John was smiling like a child. "Messiah, I am extremely grateful for this act! How can I ever repay you?" John asked, still grinning from ear to ear  "John" Jesus spoke in reply. "As long as you keep your faith in your Lord and spread my word far and near as I have asked you to, then there is no need, My Beloved." Jesus then held John's face in his hand and kissed his cheek in a friendly manner. John couldn't help but redden from Jesus's sweet gesture. He tried to conceal it, at least hoping that the Sun's powerful gaze among Jerusalem would make it seem as what it wasn't.

Jesus then let go of John's face to help carry the fish and they headed towards the Mount of Olives to change into less soggy clothing.

"He holds such beatitude." John thought.

Note: I'm already working on chapter 2 😇

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