זיתים (Olives)

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As Jesus and John walked towards the Mount Of Olives side by side, John stopped to admire the plants around them. "It's certainly beautiful, isn't it, Rabbi?"

Jesus smiled. "Why, it certainly is, Beloved." John felt a tingly feeling in his stomach when Jesus had uttered the word "Beloved", referencing John. He was the only one who Jesus called 'Beloved', let alone 'My Beloved'. When he had been conversing with Jesus one day under the warm sun of Jerusalem, he had mentioned to Jesus he had been writing down his miracles and supernatural behavior. When Jesus had asked him "What have you written of yourself?" John confessed he had nothing of himself, so Jesus told John to refer to himself as 'The disciple whom Jesus loved'. 'My Beloved, Beloved.' floated around John's head. "My disciple," Jesus spoke. "I hope you are aware you are very liked by many. Including I."

John smiled at Jesus' kind, heartwarming words. "Why, thank you, Rabbi. You mean very much to all too, especially me." John complimented. "And," John started again. "You look.. very well attired today, Lord."

Jesus was filled with appreciation by John's expression of words. He couldn't help but smile, John's kindness and heartfelt words were so flattering that he felt embarrassed for smiling. "Why," Jesus murmured, "Thank you, Beloved. You truly have brightened my mood." John was now grinning like a fool by now. He had made his Messiah joyous, made him laugh, and now he had made his day less saddled with burden. To John, there was something about Jesus that was special to him. Maybe his eyes, his wonderful eyes. No, maybe his hair? Can't be. Jesus's touch of humanity? His touch of comfort? His ever so sweet words, smile, face, everything? 'God,' John contemplated. 'Whatever shall i do?.'

As soon as John snapped back into reality, he was startled. He was so caught up thinking about Jesus that when Jesus had asked "May we go now, Beloved?" He had no reply.

"What was that, Rabbi?" John queried. "Apologies, Lord, I was..lost in thought. Pondering, yes." John stated. "May we go now? Along with the fish, we shall also prepare the wine, splitting of loaves of bread, picking of the berries, and much more, yes?"

John looked at Jesus and was stunned "Rabbi, this gathering is merely to celebrate you. Why should you be preparing it?"

"Well my dear, Beloved, why shouldn't it? I cannot have too much pride for it is truly wrong, and you cannot possibly do all this labor on your own!" Jesus fretted anxiously.

John chuckled and put on a hand on Jesus's shoulder. "Rabbi, it is your celebration, let us do all the work. James, Simon Peter, Andrew and I will work together to set it up, and if we need help we'll call for the other disciples, okay?"

Jesus gave a look of discomfort, but his expression softened as he accepted he couldn't really push John to make him help. "Amen, I say to you, but if you start being overcome with worries and burdens, just call out for me."

"Yes, Rabbi" John reassured.

As they walked towards the tents near the Mount of Olives, John couldn't shake off the warm feeling that enveloped him whenever Jesus was near. He stole glances at Jesus. 'His beauty too grand for this world. He's..' John reminisced. He then shook his head. 'No, I shouldn't be thinking that.'

Jesus, in a new, fresh clothing, noticed John's burdensome behavior. "John?" Jesus asked politely. "Are you okay? You seem to have something on your mind." John looked up at his Messiah. 'Oh God.' John shouted internally. "I'm anything but unwell right now, Rabbi. I apologize for giving you the assumption that I was not."

Jesus motioned towards John and held John's face in both of his hands. John was surprised by this, but he didn't stop him. "Beloved. Whatever makes you anxious currently can be trusted with me. I care for you."

Those words alone made tears well up in John's eyes. How could he tell the man he admired most he could be the dilemma. His courageousness and kind words were just too much. John embraced Jesus and spoke. "Rabbi, I cannot possibly tell you, at least not now, but your affection towards me has touched my heart." Jesus smiled at this and felt comfort in John's arms, with the same happening for John. The two stayed like that for a while. Letting time pass. "I certainly must go now." John mentioned, breaking the silence. Jesus let go of John. "If you insist, then you shall, but take caution." John smiled once more, yet before he could answer Jesus placed a kiss on John's forehead. "Take it as a blessing, Beloved."

"I will for you, Lord."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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