Chapter 17: Oppressive Puffs

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I hope you enjoy! I hope to end this book soon and start up on the third one! Tell me if you have any suggestions about ANYTHING and what you think the title should be! And please mention any characters you want to be brought back! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Inspiration song for this chapter - Macklemore ~ Other side

Chapter 17:

I breathed in the cool night air and waited for the plan to take action.

A month had passed, our training becoming more and more professional.

And our plan? It seemed to be working so far.

I paused and listened to the warm forest. The foggy night air coating my pale skin like silk.

I moved my eyes upward to the treetops to gaze at the moon and it's followers.

The stars were perfectly aligned, igniting a path for astronomers to feast their eyes on the many constellations.

The moon sat peacefully about the pine trees, looking down at the realm.

I wanted to run to it and chase it, but my head shot sideways at the sound of people.

I looked behind me and there they were, the tribe who was after me.

'Remember not to put up much of a fight so you seem vulnerable, that way, they'll underestimate you'

Bo's words echoed in my mind over and over again.

Followed by the passionate kiss I had shared with Nick just moments before I had stalked out into the moonlit path.

I started to walk, making a fast pace, trying to make it obvious that I was right under their noses.

"There she is!" I heard an unfamiliar voice bellow from behind me.

I started to run, not at my full potential but enough to make a mortal out of breath.

"Come on little Red. We aren't going to hurt you," said a familiar voice.

It sent my blood rushing to my head and back. Vinny. The Prince of Darkness.

"She's smarter than that Vinny," said a voice that made me stop dead in my tracks.

I heard their footsteps fall still and I slowly turned around to face him.

I wanted to slam my hands against his face and punch him as hard as I could.

I had the strangest look upon my face. Mixed conflictions, confused horror, and complete realisation.

I had never been exposed to these "things." Let alone friends.

And now that I finally understood everything that I had been told, it registered.

Two men came up behind me and bound my hands together. The one man was clutching a deister blade between his teeth.

I didn't resist. I just stared into a powerful pair of emerald green eyes as his found mine equally astonishing.

It looked as though they had brought a horse drawn wagon type thing. Probably because they were expecting more people to accompany me.

My fear was awoken while the man with the blade hoisted me up an Drake followed, pulling the curtain in front of the doorway so there was no way to see our activity.

"I thought you were dead," I seethed, "I cried, I even mourned over your loss. I felt heart ache, and pain. And here you are. Stabbing me in the back. This cloak is a joke. Do you know how many times I've gotten hurt in this thing? Way too many too consider it magical."

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