Chapter 4: We're back!

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Hope you like :) I had to bring em back!! I loved some of 'em too much!! haha first comment or person I see reading= DEDICATION or just msg me for this one :)

Chapter 4:

The next morning I woke up from someone shaking me. "Get the fuccckk awaaaayyyy." I whined and wanted to go back to sleep.

"Alex! Wake up already!" I heard a familiar voice and my eyes opened.

I smiled and reached up to hug Erin and then saw Hope behind her. "Hope!" I called and ran up to hug her too.

They were my actual friends and it was nice to have a boyfriend once and a while. "Vinny is in the kitchen," Erin said,"he was the only and the actual prince. He's the prince of the darkness. Which I heard you already went over that with the rest of the guys."

I nodded. It had been stressful and I had asked a lot of questions throughout dinner last night trying to catch up. It was still sinking in.

I found out the skinny creepy guy is Erik their Uncle who is actually only a year older than them which was weird but kind of made sense.

We walked out into the kitchen to see all of the men sitting at the long wooden table in the dining area talking loudly. I looked over to see my Grandmother and her firend (who is also a prophet person) doing tarot cards and tea leaves.

I din't really believe in those things though, I just thought they were fun and creepily accurate. I sat down at an empty chair next to Nick and Justin and Erin and Hope sat accross from me. The boys were still deeply in conversation and we laughed.

I punched Justin's arm hard,"Ow," he said and he turned to me,"Goodmorning." I turned to face Nick and he was already looking at me. "Morning Alex." He said and smiled. "Morning," I said and smiled back at him."

"OKKKAAYYYYY." Erin said breaking up the quiet moment and turned to Vinny who sat next to her. "THis is Vinny, he's 19. He is one of the prince's of darkness."

I smiled at her as she gazed at him longingly then snapped back to me,"Oh... sorry...."she said embarressed and we laughed.

We ate breakfast happily, enjoying our small talks and just happy to be around old friends and with Erik too, my cares were pretty much dismissed from my mind.

There was a loud shatter of glass and we all swung our heads to the noise in the living room. My grandmother's friend was laying back on the couch and her eyes were rolling into the back of her head and her hands were shaking and the tea was slowly staining the rug.

"In the half moon, one with dark promises rises, she'll rise with none, and back with one. To prevent your fate, do not be late, tomorrow at 8pm precise, or dare pay the price," she chanted then was out and Hope was over there with a cold wash cloth on her forehead.

"Wh-what does she mean?" I said shakily and Bo came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "She means that wicked little thing, Tebi, tomorrow at 8:00pm you have to meet her here, and if you don't she'll kill you, I guess the fate of the world is in your hands."

I looked around Bo and saw Justin talking to Nick and Justin looked reassurringly at him but Nick looked really worried.

I felt a pang of sadness and sorrow and confusion in the back of my mind and decided to sit down on one of the chairs in the living area.

"Alex," Nick spoke to me, "In less than 2 weeks you have to make a decision of who you marry in order to unite the darkness and the light. Do you have any idea?" I saw a bit of hope in his eyes probably that I'd pick him, but I shook it off.

I shook my head,"I'm still clueless, I'm sorry." I was sorrowful, I decided to take a walk in the snow so I threw on my cape and snuck away from the people and they were oblivious to me.

I needed to get alone time. To spend sometime walking alone in the woods and the hills. I walked for hours and hours and eventually looked up to see a full moon risen in the beautiful starry sky.

I knew I should make it back soon. I made my way onto the steady path again and I knew where I was. My red cape blew in the wind behind me and the cold air stung my face. The snow crunched underneath my boots and I relaxed to the sound of the wind and the trees.

But that's when I heard a crack. A crack of a tree branch or many twigs, something only someone or something could have made. I heard it again and I spoke quietly,"Who's there?"

I heard something walk out in front of the path in front of me and I was afraid to turn but I did anyways. I looked and saw a wolf with the prettiest eyes.... "NicK!" I yelled and went over to him. He stared up at me with worry in his eyes.

"What's the matter?" I asked him and heard a laugh behind me. Fuck.

I didn't bother turning around but I ran as fast as I could through the trees with Nick next to me and I felt the adreniline coursing through my veins as I ran. The cold and crisp air majorly stung my faces and my eyes but I ran not caring about anything else in the world.

We reached the end of the woods and I raced down the hills and hopped over the fence safely knowing she couldn't come in this ground. "See you later Alexandria." And then she was gone leaving me heaving my breaths.

I went inside and saw everyone besides Grandma and her friend sitting at the dinnind table and talking worriedly I walked in tiredly with Nick and they all gasped and jumped up to hug me muttering things of worry and doubts.

I let them go and hugged them all bak and I turned back around to see nick with torn clothes on and his hair was ruffled a bit. I laughed and went over to hug him since he had truly saved me from her. "Goodnight," I said to him and kissed his cheek.

I walked off and said good night to evryone and Erin and Hope followed since they were staying in my room. We fell asleep laughing and joking around without caring about what was at hand.

I was never one to follow the rules anyways.



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