Chapter 19: Numb

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This chapter is absolutely pitiful. I think I might cry. I typed up this beautiful chapter for you guys and somehow it only published the unfinished part, with grammar and spelling mistakes, since I never look when I type. :( Sadly enough, I've been getting a lot of hate! Even from my inspiration! My best friend! And that extremely depresses me. I just want to say I'm ending this book really soon and taking a little break to let all of ya'll catch up, then I'll publish the new one. I hope you like this chapter Please Comment~Vote~Fan if you like(:

Chapter 19:

"Get up," Drake spat at me atrociously.

I attempted to pry my inanimated body up off of the cold and damp floor.

This wasn't who I was. I wasn't meant to be held captive as bait. What was it these people weren't telling me?

As I pulled myself onto the old and rickety wooden chair, my eyes grasped the realization of my body.

My fair pale skin had been salted down with dirt and cuts. Cuts from when they beat me.

And left me to die.

I shut my eyes and took in a despicable breath of unpleasant air. The darkness punctured me slowly as I opened my eyes my eyesight changed.

I could actually see managably in the darkness.

"Are you going to behave now?" Drake asked, impatience in his voice.

I took it that it was a rhetorical question since he started to untie the thorn-like fabric bounding my hands together.

Finally, he removed the moldy gag off of my mouth. I breathed in deeper looking up at him with disapproval.

"Let me go," I said.

"No, we have to finish what you started. And you and all of your friends, will die," and with no remaining presence, he was gone into the thick air.

I stood up and scowered the room. Dim light flooded into the room from a small window to my right.

What did he mean? What did I start? And no, if anything I will slaughter that bastard.

I wish I could just escape from all of this. Like... like..


I shut my eyes and focused on the distant crack of a twig. I was surrounded by trees.

Gazing up at the treetops I realised it was early morning.

A lazy fog hung in the air, illuminating the atmosphere in a mystical way. Another twig snapped and it drew my attention to something here with me.

It bothered me at first, knowing something was in my presence giving me no indication that it's identity wanted to be known.

But then in a humble second later, it was soothing- not a threat.

I felt my feet give out underneath me and my body gracefully fall to the soft forrest floor.

My eyes captured the figure circling me, it's known identity was hidden by the the fog.

But a part of me knew exactly what it was. I giggled drunk-like. Not a teenage girl giggle.

It appeared in front of me. His eyes met mine and held them contently.

I wanted to get up and hug him but I remained sprawled out on the mossy grass.

He made the first move by walking leisurely and laying down next to me. And it felt good.

My eyes swung open.

Just a dream. I was disappointed in myself but I heard footsteps coming towards a door I had just realised was existent.

It opened angrily and in came a somewhat annoyed Drake. "Come here," he said as I stood and walked towards him.

He grabbed my hands behind my back and walked me through what seemed like miles of tunnels and such to a wooden door as I memorized each inch.

After he had opened it, I soon realized it was my old room.

"There's going to be an event tonight," he said, "and your going, so I'll get all your stuff together. And please wash up and use the medicine in the bathroom."

He shut the door behind him and I decided to do exactly that, take a shower.

I found hundreds of products for cuts and scratches and applied nearly every one to my pitiful skin. I jumped into the hot shower and let the burning-hot water boil my aching body.

It felt so good, but it stung like hell. I shampooed my hair, scrubbing it with my fingertips.

Drake's P.O.V:

I swiftly glided down the many flights of marble staircases and stopped in front of a rotting oak door. His office.

Apparently he liked being secluded down here in the dungeon, personally, I like it outdoors in the woods. I knocked twice on the door, in fear it might topple over from age.

"Get in here, boy," Hansel's gruff voice almost startled me.

I opened the door to release a morbid stench, the odor of what seems like death. "Are you ready to complete your task yet?" He asked me, eyeing me up and down.

"What task?" I asked, playing dumb was never a good way to roll, but I wanted to play safe.

He rose from his seat across the room and strolled across the room to stand in front of me. He used the back of his muddy hand and threw it across my face, giving me a good blow to the jaw.

I was completely unprepared for that.

I held a hand to my aching jaw and looked at him straight in the eye.

His brown eyes were almost bloodshot, his 5 o'clock shadow shinning more than ever. "You know your duties," He said while gritting his teeth.

"How long do I have?" I asked him, in complete understanding of what he was talking about.

He chuckled dryly, "All the time in the world my boy," his chuckle stopped and I knew he was being sarcastic.

"I gave you this mission a long time ago," he said, putting emphasis on the term 'long,' "you were supposed to kill her off the night you were sent to deliver her cloak. And you were supposed to kill her that night in the woods, but no, you had to fake your own death and those slobs had to lie about them not finishing you off."

"It's not my f-" he cut me off.

"Of course it's not your fault. You're just a wee little-"

"I'll do it," I interrupted.

"Boy," he finished.

"How long do I have?" I asked him, eager to make her last few minutes alive memorable. Woah, I can't think like that.

"You have two days. And by the moonrise of the second day, I will expect you to have finished her off," he said pulling a cloth out of his pocket and setting it in my hand, "Here is the blade you shall use."

I unraveled the cloth packaging to reveal a deister blade. The dagger was only a few inches in length but extremely beautiful.

"Alright," I spoke with determination.


Yeah it's crappy, but hey, I'm kinda mad like I said before. Thank you for over a year of support on all of my books.



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