Zack's Final Gift!

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Tears fell against his face as Cloud felt his life fleeing his body. He couldn't hear the words Tifa and Yuffie shouted as they held him. He was tired. So very tired. All he knew was yet again he hurt his friends. Yet again, he failed. Yet again, he made them cry.

"Cloud! Don't give up! We need you!" Yuffie screamed as her tears fell like waterfalls. Tifa sobbed as she held Cloud, unable to accept that of their party, only her, and Yuffie survived. "Y-You promised Cloud! You pr-promised not to leave us! Fight it, Cloud! Please don't go!!!" She shouted as the two watched his Mako infused eyes slowly dim. They once had this vibrant glow to them that captivated them all as they journeyed. Yet now. Now they were like fractured Materia. Paling as the blood poured from his body. Whatever Sephiroth had done, none of their magic and items worked.

They wept for their leader. The one who protected them no matter what. Who stood tall, blade in hand against every foe, and came out unscathed. Who took the attack meant for them, and nothing they do will save him. Just as it didn't save the others. Yet Cloud simply smiled as his eyes dimmed. "You two should smile. You look so much prettier when you smile." No sooner had he finished speaking his body fell limp in their arms as they screamed his name. Sephiroth may be dead, but the cost was far too high.

Grunting in pain as he held his head, Cloud opened his eyes when he realized he was being carried. Turning, he saw the battered Zack Fair. Smiling sadly as he helps Cloud across the wasteland. "Ah. You're finally awake. You know this wasn't how your fate was deemed to end. Right Cloud?" Zack asked, confusing Cloud as he looked around, trying to figure out what was happening.

He once more was brought back to Zack when he heard him snicker. "S-Sorry. Heh. I didn't want you to freak out, so I figured this would have made the best scene." Zack's words grew stronger as lights glowed bright, changing the wasteland to the 7th Heaven. Further confusing Cloud as he held his head. "Zack? What's going on?" Cloud finally uttered out as he watched Zack pick up a glass of whiskey.

Chuckling Zack eyed him with a seriousness he so rarely showed. "You and your team did stop Sephiroth, yes. But somehow, only Tifa and Yuffie survived. Cloud, you all were supposed to survive. Yet something Sephiroth did changed the very fates themselves." Zack said before downing the shot in one go. Cloud blinked as the words reached his ears. He shook his head as tears formed. "D-Dammit! Even when I win, I still fail!" He growled as his fists clenched so tight they bled.

Zack sighed as he flicked him in the forehead. "Enough. Now is not the time to break Cloud. I was sent here due to our connection from our time in Hojo's lovely torture pods. A friend of ours gave me the instructions for me to gift you one more chance. A chance to save them all. But that depends entirely on you, Cloud. If you want to save them or not. If you want to finally end the nightmares and losses by Sephiroth's hands or not. If you have the grit to tough it out one last time. Or if you truly want to remain a failure. Choices Cloud. Life is a series of choices. This one is your hardest choice yet. Leave Tifa and Yuffie to fall into despair after everything you all sacrificed your lives for, or change the stars themselves to guarantee Sephiroth's downfall and save not only each other but Gaia as well."

Cloud listened as Zack spoke and was surprised at how much he said without trying to joke. But as he listened, his mind wandered with thoughts of those he left behind. As well as those he already lost. "What's the offer?" He asked, making Zack grin at him. "I can send you back. Back to when you regained consciousness in Tifa's apartment after overcoming the experiments. You will retain your true memories that Tifa returned to you. However, if I do this for you, Cloud, it will change more than just your fate. The fates of many in your life since that day will change. Your friend's lives both the ones you teamed with and those you lost. Those closest to you will have their lives altered by this. It's up to you to decide."

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