Cloud VS Barrett! Boing-chan Decides!

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     Cloud woke when dawn arrived. As he was used to during their journey. They needed to sleep light and be ready to go when the sun rose. As he did, he felt some big soft pillows around his head. As well as the body heat and weight of another. His brain went rapid fire as his face burnt crimson in understanding. 'Fucking hell Tifa. Your tits are perfect. Oh shit. Not now stupid hormones. Eh, maybe she won't notice.... fuck I'm doomed.' He released a soft groan as he cock hardened against her juicy ass. With a sigh, he reached up and pat Tifa on the head.

     Tifa groaned as she felt something on her head. Growling, she pulled her oddly warm body pillow closer. "F-Five more minutes, Jessie..." She whined out before she felt the pat again and something hard brushing against her ass. Waking up as the memories flashed through her mind, her eyes snapped open wide as she looked down. "Oh crap!" She yelped as she sat up in his lap with Cloud, taking a few deep breaths. Only to moan as whatever the hardness was grinding against her folds. "Ohhh God, that feels good.....oh no. Yow! S-Sorry Cloud. I really d-didn't mean for this to happen." She yelped as her entire glowed red, and she rolled off of him.

    "Whew. It's fine, Tifa. Hehe, gotta say you really know how to make a guy feel welcome around these parts." Cloud said with a smirk as Tifa stammered, trying to find words. Finally pouting and glaring at him, she raced into the bathroom after grabbing a change of clothes. "Oh, thank God. Damn near blew my load had she kept grinding on me anymore. It was almost as bad as the shit she did at Costa Del Sol." Cloud huffed out as he tried to cool off. Which backfired as he remembered that day and grumbled. "Me and my big mouth! Sigh. Guess we go see Barrett and the others today."

     Tifa was having her own dilemma as she changed. 'Way to go, Tifa! Now he's gonna know. Dammit why I have to be so clingy? All I wanted to do was sleep. Not get that monster so fucking hard as I forced him to motorboat me. Sigh. It's his fault. Had he not told me all those things, I could hide it better. Now, what do I do?'  She was berating herself as her mind ran wild. Heat once more, returning to her breasts and womanhood. With a growl, she shook her head and finished her routine. Turning to leave, she grabbed the doorknob but stopped as her mind contemplated if he could really help them bomb Reactor 1. Slapping her cheeks, she opened the door to see Cloud leaning against the door with his sword on his back.

    "About this work, Tifa. Are you certain your team will hire me for whatever you're doing?" His voice was strong, yet she felt an odd sadness in his tone. On her mind, it was given his being turned into a mad scientist's experiment. With a soft, kind smile, she nodded. "Absolutely. The leader's kinda the 'Grr me alpha male' type. But once we explain your situation, I'm sure he'll okay you to join." Cloud scoffed as he stood up and opened the door. "Very well. After you, Tifa." Holding the door for her, which made her smile wider.

    As they walked down to the first floor, Marle took note of Cloud standing there with no more signs of the Mako poisoning. "Well, I don't think I've ever seen Tifa so cheerful in the morning. Did you propose to her after she took care of you so long?" She teased, making Tifa blush only to look horrified at the shit eating grin on Cloud's face. "Yeah, actually. She even promised to put a baby in me on our wedding night." Marle's mouth hung open as her and Tifa both blushed hard. "Cloud, what the hell!? Don't joke like that dammit!"  Tifa growled as she tried to look angry, but given her blush, it only made her look more adorable.

   Cloud and Marle both laughed hard at that as Tifa grumbled with her arms hanging down and storm clouds over her head. "Haha. S-Sorry Teef. But that was just too hard to pass up." Marle grinned as she watched the duo's antics. She was amazed at how, even though he was being a smart ass Tifa didn't really seem angry at all. A stray thought came to mind that this Cloud meant more to her than almost anything. Something she'd need to ask her later. Though she wasn't about to tell them that the room next to Tifa's was available now. She wanted to see that cheery attitude more.

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