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A New Day Begins

I woke up to the sound of my mom calling me downstairs for dinner. As I made my way downstairs, I noticed that my father was already home.

"Hello, Papa," I greeted him with a smile. He returned the greeting, saying, "Hello, Anak." My mother then served the food, and as we started eating, she noticed the swelling on my cheeks.

"Anak, your cheeks are still swollen. After we finish eating, let's ice your cheeks, okay?" my mom suggested.

In the midst of our meal, I gathered the courage to ask my mom a question that had been weighing on my mind.

"Mom, am I adopted?" I blurted out. My father choked on his food, surprised by my question. He quickly reassured me, saying, "Honey, what are you saying? Of course, you're not adopted."

I looked at them with a mixture of confusion and sadness. "Then why do I not look like any of you?" I asked, my voice filled with uncertainty.

My mother took a deep breath and explained, "That's because there is a side of your mother's family that you  resemble. It doesn't mean you are any less a part of our family."

Her words didn't fully satisfy my curiosity, but I didn't press further. I continued eating my food in silence, lost in my own thoughts.

After dinner, I went up to my room and looked at myself in the mirror.

Tears started to fall from my eyes as I compared myself to my sisters. They were beautiful, unlike me. I couldn't help but feel like an outsider in my own family.

As I stared at my reflection, I heard a gentle knock on my door. "Come in," I said softly.

My mom entered the room, holding a cold compress in her hands.

"Let's ice your swollen cheeks, and then you can get some rest. That's the secret to help reduce the swelling and your pimples," she said, trying to comfort me.

I nodded, appreciating her care and concern. After helping me with the compress, she left the room, allowing me to lay in bed and slowly drift off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up earlier than usual. I went downstairs to find my mom already in the kitchen. "Good morning, Mom," I greeted her with a smile. She returned the smile and said, "Good morning, Anak." I decided to lend a hand and helped my mom cook our breakfast.

As I glanced at the clock, I realized it was almost 6 o'clock. I quickly took a bath and put on my school uniform.

Before leaving for school, I kissed my mom and dad goodbye.

"Going to school now, Mama, Papa," I said, hoping for a better day ahead.

They nodded, their love and support evident in their eyes. With a renewed sense of determination, I stepped out of the house, ready to face whatever challenges awaited me at school.

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