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A Heartbreaking Loss

(Note: This chapter deals with the sensitive topic of suicide and its impact on those left behind. If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of self-harm or suicide, if you are uncomfortable please don't read this part thankyou)

As I arrived at school, everything seemed normal. There were no bullies in sight, just a sense of peace that I hadn't experienced in a while.

But when I looked at Sarah's empty chair, a sense of unease washed over me. She didn't come to school today. Many students entered the classroom, and the teacher began the lesson, but my mind was elsewhere. I couldn't stop thinking about why Sarah hadn't shown up.

Break time arrived, and a crowd of students gathered in one area. Curiosity got the better of me, and I followed their gaze towards the rooftop.

My eyes widened in horror as I saw Sarah standing there. Without thinking, I dropped the food I had just bought from the cafeteria and sprinted towards her, screaming her name. "Sarah, what are you doing? Get down from there, please, Sarah!" I pleaded desperately.

I heard one of the students say, "Shit, the door is locked." Panic surged through me as I realized there was no easy way to reach Sarah.

Tears streamed down my face as I continued to beg her to come down. "Sarah, please don't jump, please!" I cried, my voice filled with desperation. It felt like time stood still as I watched her on the rooftop, her presence a haunting reminder of the pain she must be feeling.

Sarah's voice trembled as she spoke, her words filled with anguish. "It's because of all of you," she accused, pointing at our classmates and teachers. "Where were all of you when I was being bullied? When I sought help from the guidance office, you told me they were innocent. Are all teachers really favoring the bullies? Teachers should help their students, so why, why didn't you help me when I needed you?"

Her words pierced through me, a painful reminder of the  failure to protect her.

I pleaded with Sarah, my voice cracking with sorrow. "Please, Sarah, get down from there. Let's talk. The teachers are here. Let's find a way out of this. Please!"

But Sarah shook her head, her resolve unwavering. "No, I'm tired, Ella," she said softly. And before I could comprehend what was happening, she jumped.

"NO! SARAH!" I screamed, my heart shattering as I watched her fall. Time seemed to slow down as I saw her body hit the ground, blood staining the pavement. "No, no, no, please don't leave, please, I beg you," I pleaded, my voice filled with desperation and grief. But it was too late. Sarah had made her final decision.

"I'm sorry, Ella. I'm just tired. Please let me sleep in peace," Sarah's voice echoed in my mind. I cried uncontrollably, my heartache consuming me.

I couldn't bear the weight of the loss, the guilt of not being able to save her. As darkness closed in, my vision blurred, and the next thing I knew, I blacked out, overwhelmed by the unbearable pain of losing my dear friend.

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