Can't Sleep?

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A/N: guess who's taken a baby sitting job ME

TW: ED talks throughout the whole chapter but it's not into detail xx


I sat down beside Scarlett, setting my hands in my lap and gratefully taking the water bottle on the table. If I fill myself up with water I won't be so hungry. "So any particular movie you want on?" Scarlett passed me the popcorn bowl once she got herself situated but I declined the snack. She narrowed her eyes but said nothing. "Um well how about an easy movie where we don't really have to think, if that's okay?" I fumbled around my words looking away from Scarlett's intimidating look.

"Are you a fan of Marvel? We can watch an old movie if you've already seen it? That way you already know the plot?" She suggested as if I'd say no, silly girl. I fucking love Marvel but I've gotta play it off cool. "Only if you don't mind watching yourself back? Whatever you're more comfortable with" I passed the ball back in her court as she rolled her eyes with a grin. "You're silly, I wouldn't have made the offer if I wasn't comfortable honey" she searched Age of Ultron on Disney and hit play just as my stomach grumbled. The motherly look she gave me sent chills.

"Someone's still hungry" Colin chuckled lightheartedly but the shame that simple comment made me feel was enough to have me instantly denying. "Oh that's nothing, I swear it just likes to make noise at the most awkward times" I brushed his comment off but the way Scarlett frowned made my chest tighten. She knows. She has to. There's no other reason she'd be acting this way. She offered me the popcorn again but just like the last time, I declined the offer and went for my water bottle instead. She just nodded with a frown and sat back, cuddling up to her husband who was shovelling the popcorn in his mouth.

About half an hour in, I could feel myself getting more and more tired, my head resting on my palm as I watched the movie. I felt a small movement to my right and turned to see Scarlett passed out on Colin's shoulder. "She literally never makes a full movie" he huffed and gently shook her awake. "Hey baby, let's get you in bed my love" he whispered to her as he pretty much carried her off the couch and towards their bedroom.

Okay that was cute. Sometimes seeing people in love makes me question if I was the problem in my parent's relationship. Like were they in love before they had me? Did I ruin their marriage? I was snapped out of my daydream when Colin came back with a set of Scarlett's pyjamas and a thick fluffy blanket. "Feel free to use the guest bedroom if you prefer that over the couch, the bathroom is just over there if you want to get changed. If you need anything don't be afraid to wake us up. Sleep well Y/n" he spoke softly as he placed the clothes and blanket at the end of the couch. "Thank you Colin, have a good sleep too" I thanked him as he smiled and waved a goodbye.

I waited til I heard the door close before finding the bathroom and changing into the spare clothes, smiling slightly as the lavender scent clung to the long sleeved shirt. I quickly finished up in the bathroom and made my way back into the living room, fetching my bag left by the door. My vape was in there and I really needed it, I needed something to calm myself. My body finally catching up to me after the events of the past few days. From trying to complete study work and landing this side job my brain just needed a moment to settle.

I grabbed my vape out of my bag and padded my way to her double French doors adorning the living room. I slipped out of the room and sat myself on her porch, watching the storm pass through. It was pretty, loud but pretty. I think I must have been outside for a solid hour before I started to feel just that little bit cooler so I walked back in to grab the blanket Colin offered me and sat right back outside, tugging the blanket over my shoulders. I closed my eyes just listening to the world as I drew in my vape and didn't notice the tears running along my cheeks. God I was exhausted. I just couldn't sleep.

"Hey" a raspy voice made me jump slightly and push the vape in my lap. "Calm down honey, don't even bother hiding it, I saw the exhale love" Scarlett's voice made me freeze as she came closer and sat next to me. "Sorry" I whispered and kept my eyes down, all she did was open the blanket and shuffled closer to me. "Why aren't you asleep?" She questioned softly, ignoring my apology making me feel even more guilty. "My body won't let me" I shrugged as she hummed and eyed the vape poorly hidden in my lap. "Come with me" she stood up and extended her hand, lifting me off the ground as we headed back inside. She dropped the blanket back on the couch and brought me into the kitchen.

My breathing hitched as we entered the room, it's not my fault the thought of food triggers something in me. "When Rose was little and couldn't sleep I used to make her some warm milk and honey. Do you want to see if that works?" She stated rather than questioned but still waited for an answer. "What if it doesn't work" I sighed and looked away from her motherly stare. "Then I'll be sad that my magic trick failed. Just try it and if it doesn't work we can figure something out after alright?" She offered as she moved around her kitchen, warming up a small cup of milk and pouring half a teaspoon of honey in it.

Here we go I guess. She placed the warm remedy in front of me and crossed her arms, almost daring me to refuse. I took the glass and brought it up to my lips, the smell of honey instantly making my tense. My god all the sugar in here is terrifying. And the milk that's got fat in it. I can't afford to undo all of my hard work on keeping my routine just because I can't fucking sleep. I'm an ex ballerina of course I need to be disciplined in food. "Honey it's just one glass" Scarlett's voice interrupted my thoughts as she placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and gave me a worried glance.

"Right yeah sorry, thank you I appreciate the effort you've put in. Sorry I'll try it" I cringed internally at my slip up and drank the glass with a heavy mind and an almost panicked breathing pattern. "Let's try and get some sleep okay? How about we get comfy in the guest bedroom that way I'll know for sure you'll be okay for tonight hmm?" She left me no option as she took the glass off me and threw my vape in her purse by the door. Well I guess that's goodbye to that one.

She lead us up to the guest bedroom and without missing a beat she locked the ensuite bathroom with a key. "Let's get some sleep okay?" She spoke softly as she settled into bed, pulling me down with her. I just hope this stupid fucking magic trick works.

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⏰ Última actualización: May 11 ⏰

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