Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine

*Ariel's POV*

"Find it!" Thorin bellowed, his deep voice ringing out through Erebor's halls. "The Arkenstone is in these halls! No one rests until it is found!"

"Nothing here!" Someone called.

"Or here!" Agreed someone else.

I dug through yet another pile of coins and chalices, finding nothing. I straightened and took a sharp breath. My back was incredibly sore from leaning over for so long. I was tired, hungry, and irritable. Only the occasional smile from Kili kept me from giving up completely. We'd been looking for days. If the Arkenstone was in fact here, it did not want to be found.


"It is here, in these halls." He murmured. "I know it."

"Thorin, we've searched everywhere." I told him. "It's not here."

"Well then search again." He snarled.

I took a step back, confused by his sudden outburst. What was this treasure doing to him?

Dwalin stepped in front of me, facing his cousin. "Thorin, we all would see the stone returned."

"And yet it is not found!"

I blinked, my legs suddenly feeling weak. Balin spoke before I had the chance. "Do you doubt the loyalty of anyone here?"

Thorin turned to face us, coming closer with heavy strides.

"The Arkenstone," Balin continued, "is the birthright of our people."

"It is the King's Jewel." Said Thorin. "Am I not the King?!"

I squeezed my eyes shut as Thorin spoke. "Know this: If anyone should find it and withhold it from me.. I will be avenged."

I turned away, walking down the path as quickly as I could. A few minutes later, I found an empty chamber. I shut the door behind me and collapsed onto the floor. Tears fell from my eyes before I could even think to stop them. Face in my hands, I say with my back to the wall and just cried.

I was losing Thorin. He was slipping further away every moment. This gold was poisoning his mind, turning his against us. Who would withhold the the jewel from him? We all wanted it found, but it was lost. After a few deep breaths, I tried to rationalize my thoughts.

Dragon-sickenss. Balin had told me about it. It drove Thror mad, and now it was taking hold of Thorin. I couldn't help but wondering if finding the Arkenstone would help Thorin, but part of me knew better. That stone would only push him over an edge he was nearing every second.

"Ariel," came a familiar voice.

I looked up and saw Fili, his eyes bright with concern.

"Yeah?" I wiped away my tears quickly.

"A-are you alright?" He asked.

I nodded and stood up. "Yeah."

"Are you sure?" He asked, taking a step towards me.

I nodded again and gave a forced smile. After a moment, Fili's expression broke into one of humor. "Dwalin told me what you did to Smaug. The blinding him and the taunting."

In spite of myself and everything going on, I laughed. "Oh, God. Never let me go off on my own again, Fili. I'd gotten so used to you pulling me away from danger that I ran right into it!"

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