Can't Take His Eyes Off of You - Zephia & Clicks

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"Mom! Dad!"


The young Pallid Elf woman ran towards her parents happily, swinging her arms around them both and hugging them as tightly as she could. She'd missed them so very much during her travels.

"Look at you! You got so strong, sweetheart."

"I know right?"

"Look at you in your armour, my little girl is such a warrior now."


"We made your favourite for lunch. It's still cooking though."

"That's okay! Means we have plenty time to catch up."


The Elf turned her head, her lily-white curls swishing through the air as she did, then smiled widely at a familiar face.


Her friend ran over to her as if he was going in for a hug but stopped just as he reached her. The two smirked knowingly at one another before doing their friendship handshake, laughing after its conclusion.

"I can't believe you're back!"

"Believe it! Hey, do you know if Thesius is about?"

"Nah I don't think so. I heard he was off doing...something, I don't know. I wasn't really listening."

"Great, I'd love to see him, but I do not have the energy to deal with him asking me out again today."

"Aw honey, you ought to give him a chance." Her mother pleaded, rubbing Zephia's upper arm.

"He would make a very good husband." Her father agreed.

"You two would be a hot couple." Edward added.

"All three of you shush, we're not going there right now. Come on, let's go for a walk, I missed you guys."

Zephia's parents and Edward all conceded before walking through the town. The four of them all chatted happily, Zephia sharing stories of her travels while the other three all tell her about changes in the town or what they'd been up to. All the Pallid Elf wanted to do was tell her parents about Clicks but they would just worry since that story begins with her being in jail. She missed him terribly.

"Hey, Zeph, what's up with you?" Edward asked quietly while her parents were looking at something in the market.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"You're thinking about something. What is it?"

"Oh, it's nothing."

Before Edward could pry further, there was a sudden sound. Someone singing, their voice projecting over the entire market.

"You're just too good to be true~."

Zephia groaned with dismay, recognising the voice immediately, "I thought you said he was busy."

Edward just shrugged as the singing continued and Thesius finally revealed himself, standing on a low roof looking pleased about something.

"Can't take his eyes off of you. You'd be like Heaven to touch; he wants to hold you so much~."

"Is he singing in the third person?"

"At long last love has arrived and thank Gods he's alive. You're just too good to be true, can't take his eyes off of you~."

Zephia sighed and rubbed her face, "Okay I'm stopping thi-"

Suddenly people began playing instruments, revealing themselves from behind stalls and all playing the same tune together. How much effort had gone into this. As Zephia went to look beck up at Thesius to give him a questioning glance, he held up a finger, telling her to wait. Just as the music began to build, another familiar face made an appearance, walking from behind Thesius and coming into view.

"He loves you baby! And if it's quite alright, he needs you baby, to warm the lonely nights, oh pretty baby. Trust in me when I say~."

Zephia felt tears gather in her eyes. She didn't think she'd ever smiled that much in all her life. She couldn't even bring herself to move. It felt like a dream.

It was him.


"Oh, pretty baby, don't bring him down, we pray, oh pretty baby! Now that he's found you stay and let him love you baby. Let him love you~!"

Zephia watched as Clicks jumped down from the low roof, his antennae twitching happily. She sobbed with pure joy before running to him and leaping forward, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, and burying her face into the crook of his neck. Clicks chittered happily and wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her as tightly as he could.

"You found me."

"And he is never leaving your side again."

Zephia looked up at Thesius and laughed, wiping tears from her eyes, "How did...what even...?"

"He found this town. He's been searching all over trying to find you. Eventually he came across me and we got talking...well, kind of." The Elf jumped down and walked over to the odd couple before continuing, "I overheard you were gonna be visiting so I thought I'd arrange a little surprise."

"I...I'm speechless. I can't possibly thank you enough."

"Hey, what are friends for?"

Zephia smiled and pulled away from Clicks to hug Thesius, "Thank you. You're a good man."

He smiled and hugged her back before stepping away, "Well then you two, I have a feeling you have some catching up to do. Also, some introductions are probably in order."

Thesius tilted his head towards Zephia's parents and Edward. Zephia laughed and nodded before taking Clicks' hand and walking over to the three of them. Thesius watched happily, enjoying the look of pure bliss on his dear friend's face.

"Hey, Thesius right? You've got quite the singing voice." A Changeling woman said smoothly, twirling a lock of her silvery hair around her finger.

Thesius gave one last look towards Zephia and took a breath before turning back to the Changeling, "You think so huh? And to whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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