Chapter Three

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Philip's POV

I glared at the scraggly cat hissing at me, baring its yellowed teeth. I wasn’t here to bother it—just business. But it seemed I’d be waiting a while before the door opened. I checked my watch. Five minutes had passed and still no sign of life, except the loud yelp from indoors. I sighed, my annoyance growing. What was taking so long? I tried to distract the cat with my foot, nudging it gently, but it only hissed louder. The air was cold and still.

"Sir maybe we should leave" Derek's voice broke the silence from beside me. I was going to get what I came here for and I wasn't leaving until I got it.

"No" I bit back without looking at him as I continued to tease the cat. I licked my teeth, the cat needed to see a vet, it looked terribly sick.

My heart leapt as the door finally clicked open. In an instant, I was at the threshold, my pulse racing in eager anticipation of who awaited me on the other side.

Despite its apparent distaste for my presence, the cat had followed and now sat beside me, licking its paws with feigned indifference. I couldn’t help but suppress a chuckle at its conflicted behavior.

As the door swung open, a girl, no older than eighteen, stood before me. Her hair, wrapped in a towel, cascaded in damp tendrils around her face. An oversized white shirt draped her slender frame, the long sleeves swallowing her arms and the hem grazing her knees.

But it was her eyes that truly captured me. Brown orbs, the purest, sweetest shade I’d ever seen, they drew me in like a gravitational pull. Time seemed to slow as I lost myself in the depths of her gaze, feeling as though I were floating in a sea of molasses.

"Who are you?" Her voice, rich and creamy, snapped me out of the reverie I’d been drifting into. Her gaze, now guarded, locked onto mine as her fingers, small and shielded by the long sleeves of her shirt, tapped a staccato rhythm against the door.

"I'm Philip Alekseev," I replied, offering my hand. The instant our palms met, a jolt of electricity raced through me, sending tingles dancing across my skin. A blush crept across her cheeks, betraying the fact that she felt it too. I couldn’t help but wonder what other secrets those captivating brown eyes held.

"I'm here for the land," I explained. At those words, her hand recoiled as if scalded, her gaze darting behind me to land on Derek and his fresh black eye. A grimace flickered across her face before she smoothed her features into an impassive mask.

"Look, I'm not interested," she snapped, her glare piercing. "So please leave." Without another word, she moved to close the door in my face. No one had ever dared to do such a thing and lived to tell the tale. I felt a mixture of shock and indignation bubble up inside me.

Despite her sudden defiance, I found myself strangely intrigued by her spirit. The fire in her eyes and the determination etched on her features spoke of an inner strength that I couldn’t help but admire. Instead of anger, I felt a spark of interest ignite within me.

"Just a few minutes" She was undeniably beautiful, and I watched as her resolve began to waver, her curiosity fighting against her better judgment.

"Come in," she said, her voice resigned as she turned and walked toward the living room, her movements slow and deliberate. As we followed her inside, she gestured for us to sit down before detouring to the kitchen, where she eyed us warily while downing a glass of water.

"I didn't receive any mail," she declared, settling into a chair across from us. She began to towel-dry her damp hair, her hands moving gracefully through the tangled locks. From her steady gaze, I could tell that she was telling the truth, and a prickle of unease ran down my spine. After all, my men had confirmed that the document had been left in her mailbox two weeks ago. Something wasn't adding up.

As my assistant mentioned yesterday, I'd like to purchase your property," I stated matter-of-factly, observing her reaction as Derek placed the documents on the table and slid them toward her. She shot him a withering glare before her gaze settled on the papers, her expression wary.

"I'm not interested. This is my parents' property," she declared, her voice tinged with defiance.

"And they are no longer with us," I interjected, toying with the ring on my finger. I noticed her eyes widen at my blunt statement, a flash of pain marring her beautiful features. Her grip on the towel tightened as she struggled to compose herself. It was clear that the loss of her parents was still raw, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for my callous approach.

I leaned forward, resting my weight on my legs as I peered at her, my hands raised in a gesture of open negotiation. "Look, I run a real estate firm, and I'm very interested in this piece of land." I couldn't help but notice the way her eyes twitched at my words, betraying her discomfort.

"Name your price," I challenged, a smirk playing at the corners of my lips. Her feathers were clearly ruffled, and I found myself enjoying the way I was getting under her skin.

"This land doesn't have a price, Mr. Alekseev," she retorted, her glare intensifying. I couldn’t help but notice the way her face flushed a subtle shade of red—a mix of Latina and Asian heritage, perhaps. She was clearly becoming more agitated, but I was far from done with our little game.

Everything has a price," I said, my smile widening as I leaned back in my chair, relishing the way her anger continued to simmer. She was proving to be quite the challenge, and I was thoroughly enjoying the chase.

Suddenly, a loud noise from upstairs interrupted our standoff, echoing throughout the entire house. When I returned my gaze to her, I noticed the tension in her body as she began to fidget with her fingers, her eyes fixated on the wooden floorboards. It was clear that she was hiding something, and the sound had only served to further unnerve her.

"Mr. Alekseev, please leave," she whispered, her voice barely audible. Fear flickered in her eyes, and I could see her throat bob as she swallowed hard. Without a word, I rose from my seat and began to make my way toward the door, my footsteps echoing in the silence.

Just as I reached the threshold, I paused and turned back to face her. "What is your name?" I asked, my gaze lingering on her. She remained motionless in her seat, her fingers continuing their relentless assault while her eyes were fixed on her exposed thighs.

"Camilla Wang," she replied, her tone firm despite the fear that still lingered in her eyes. "And tell your assistant to mind his manners when discussing business with people." She gave Derek a pointed look, and I couldn’t help but smile as he glowered at her, pushing his glasses up his nose before storming out. Clearly, Camilla’s aunt had made quite the impression on him with that spatula yesterday.

"Until we meet again, Camilla," I said, my lips curling into a smile as I turned and exited the door, my mind already reeling with the possibilities that this intriguing woman presented.

Why are you wasting your time with her?" Derek grumbled, his frustration evident as he slid into the passenger seat. "You could easily get the property without all this hassle."

"Because I enjoy the thrill," I replied, my voice dropping to a low baritone. "She’s exciting." It was true. I had originally come here for the land, but now I found myself wanting both the property and its captivating owner.

As the chauffeur held the door open for me, I pulled out my phone and quickly typed out a message to my men, ordering them to set up surveillance around Camilla’s house. Derek may not understand my methods, but I was determined to get what I wanted—one way or another.

As the car pulled away from the house, my unease mounted. I ran a hand through my hair, tugging at the stifling confines of my suit jacket and tie. The storm raging in my chest was as uncomfortable as the restrictive clothing,.

I glanced up to meet Derek’s questioning gaze, his eyes searching mine for answers I wasn’t yet ready to give. As my glare intensified, he quickly looked away.  My mind drifted back to the shadowy figure I’d seen in Camilla’s home, someone who clearly struck fear into her heart.

Someone was in her home. Someone she was afraid of.

A long chapter today. Hope you enjoyed it.

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