Chapter Five

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Philip's POV

Archer's architecture firm is more suitable," Mr. Declan asserted, continuously poking his finger on the huge conference table as he spoke. He leaned forward, facing his equally heated counterparts as they tried to sell their ideas.

Their incessant bickering grated on my nerves like chalk on a blackboard. My eyes narrowed into slits as I watched them, oblivious to my impending rage. They continued to spew trash from their mouths. My fingers curled around my phone like a fist, gripping it so tightly it could've shattered under the pressure.

Spade is more time-efficient," the other man with salt and pepper hair replied, clearly marveled at the ludicrousness of the other man's words. He tugged on his necktie as he took in gulps of breath, the toll of age telling on him as his shaky hands grabbed his glass cup. "The trust buyers have in their firm is non-negotiable."

Bunch of money-grubbing men, I thought, disgust wrapping itself around me as I watched grown men lose their heads for their own greed. Their voices suddenly quietened as I looked at them one by one. They quickly dropped their gaze, gulping down thick air, their discomfort written all over their faces.

"Are you done?" I sneered, feeling pitiful for their lives. Some gulped their water as if it would rid them of their embarrassment, while others looked at their hands with newfound interest. Cowards, I glared.

"Contact Spade," I said, glancing at my phone. The twelve individuals seated around the expansive conference table shifted their attention to me, a few smirking in satisfaction at my words as they glanced at their visibly irritated counterparts.

"Dismissed," I announced, my fingers drumming a rhythmic pattern on the polished mahogany table. My thoughts drifted to a certain woman with wolf-cut hair. I was aware she hadn't returned home yet, thanks to the surveillance I had set up around her residence and the surrounding area.

The distinctive sound of shuffling feet filled the air as the board of directors hastily exited the room, eager to escape my presence. It was a dynamic I not only understood but relished.

As we made our way toward the door, Derek spoke up beside me. "Camilla was ambushed by some men." In an instant, I halted in my tracks, my attention fully focused on him.

"Where are they?" I inquired, pulling up the surveillance feed on my phone. The live footage confirmed that her house was still deserted. Every camera angle revealed emptiness.

"They're heading to the hospital?" Derek answered nervously, adjusting his glasses and avoiding eye contact.

I leaned back against the table, rolling up the sleeves of my crisp white dress shirt. The news that someone had harmed my butterfly fueled a slow-burning anger within me.

They were going to die.

"Take them to TL now," I commanded, my body igniting with the desire to draw blood. I exited the conference room and made a beeline for the elevator. Derek's hurried footsteps echoed through the empty hall as he caught up and stepped beside me.

Upon entering the elevator, I watched the dark walls and golden rims slide together as the doors closed. Questions raced through my mind—who ambushed her, and what did they want? Despite my mental fortitude, anxiety gnawed at me. I began fidgeting with the ring on my finger, seeking a sense of comfort. Leaning my head against the elevator wall, I closed my eyes, attempting to steady my breath.

Sir, Miss Camilla was with another lady, Miss Amy," Derek informed me, handing me an iPad. On the screen, I saw the details of what had transpired and the feed featuring Amy. Despite being Camilla's best friend, I found that they'd had a recent falling out. I found it strange that Amy had managed to find Camilla.

"It seems she was heading to Camilla's house when she stumbled upon the situation," Derek added, almost as if he'd heard my internal musings. "She didn't realize it was Camilla until she got closer." While I still had my reservations, I decided to grant Amy the benefit of the doubt—an olive branch, if you will.

I tugged at my tie, observing the fierce determination with which the girls fought for their lives and dignity. It was unfortunate that the men had chosen to target the wrong woman.

And there I was, doing the very thing I'd sworn never to do: falling in love.

If I'd had a choice, perhaps I could have stopped myself. But I wasn't just falling—I was plummeting, harder and faster than I'd ever imagined. The truth was, I didn't want to escape it. I wanted Camilla Wang all to myself.

"You like her," Derek observed, taking the iPad from my hand as I leaned against the elevator wall once more. Her warm eyes captivated me, and her tan skin was as alluring as the small smile she offered that vile cat as it licked its paws.

"Yes, I do," I confessed, pushing myself away from the wall and exiting the elevator with Derek by my side. The underground parking lot was eerily silent and still, but the rage I'd managed to suppress for those brief moments began to seep out again. They were going to pay for what they'd done.

Nobody hurts my Camilla and goes scot-free.

"Where are the girls?" I asked as we drove out of the parking lot. My fingers tapped rhythmically on the steering wheel, a low hum escaping me. Outwardly, I appeared calm, but beneath the surface, I was anything but.

"They're at Amy's, and I have two shadows watching them," Derek informed me. I nodded, grateful for his foresight. As my right-hand man, and a brother to me for the past 17 years, Derek had earned my trust and respect. I glanced at him, offering a nod of appreciation, which he returned with a typical Derek glare.

"They're at TL," Derek mused, his excitement evident as he bounced his leg and cracked his neck.

It was time to draw blood. I pressed down on the accelerator, and the car surged forward.

Hope you enjoyed getting into Philip's head 💕

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