23. The reward is from the Almighty.

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Ba’da ma ama tana

Wa ilaihinnushur,” Joseph grinned as he read the words perfectly today. “I got it right today Mummy. I can't wait to be grateful tomorrow again,” 

Safiyya smiled and rubbed his cheek fondly. “And I can't wait to do this with you every day,” she whispered her wish. It was always in a rush except during the weekends to say the morning adhkar but since she decided on showing up late at work today, she took the opportunity as it can't be wasted. 

“Time to bath,” She said and led Joseph down the bed. 

“I'll take my bath today,” Joseph suggested. 

“Of course, my baby is a big boy now,” Safiyya chuckled. 

“Uhuh. I'm five already,” He boosted and they laughed together. They soon got dressed and came downstairs for breakfast. Alfred had left for work already, not knowing what his wife was planning. 

Old Xav arrived shortly and joined them. Safiyya was reluctant to leave Joseph again especially with with watery and pouty look he was giving her. 

“Yousef Jaan,” she sighed and squatted before him. “Don't be sad or Mummy will be sad too. I promise to make it up to you this weekend. That's not even right, starting tomorrow,” she said confidently. 

Joseph just silently hugged her. Safiyya held him closely and she couldn't stop the tingling pain in her heart. Women have dreams they want to accomplish but at the same time, their love for their kids holds them back. She can't let go of her dreams and at the same time can't let Joseph go. She still doesn't know how to accomplish that while not making her son feel abandoned and for that, she keeps praying for Allah’s assistance. 

She pulled back and long pressed a soft kiss on his forehead. “May Allah protect you, baby,” 

“You too Mummy,” Joseph smiled. 

“Ameen,” Safiyya returned and looked at Old Xav. “I'll be back soon,” 

“Go ahead Ma’am,” He nodded. Safiyya left and boarded a taxi to the too-familiar street she met someone. The first time she went there, it gave her a chance to connect with her Deen and the last time brought up past events but with the issue concerning Gab getting out of hand, only one person can help her now and that was Jaleel. 

Safiyya didn't have his number nor was she sure that he would be there today but she held high hopes that Allah would show her the way today. 

She sat on the bench and checked the time and it was already 9 am. Her phone was on flight mode to avoid any distractions. She knew there were consequences but she had to do this. 

Safiyya waited nervously as the minutes went by and it was almost ten. Her fingers curled fearfully as she dreaded what would happen if she didn't meet Jaleel today. Her eyes almost teared up when someone knocked on the bench she sat on. She whipped her head to the side and a grin formed on her face. 

“Sister Safiyya,” Jaleel called out with a tight-lipped smile. “Salamu Alaikum,” he greeted and sat down. 

“Wa alaikumussalam,” Safiyya returned. She thought it would be hard for her considering the awkward meeting before with Joseph and Alfred but he gave her an elder brother vibe that washed that away. 

“It's been a while. How's everything?” he asked. 

“Alhamdulillah,” Safiyya said but her worried countenance didn't escape Jaleel’s gaze. 

“From all looks of it, you came here to look for me,” He said thoughtfully and she nodded firmly. “Did something happen?” Jaleel asked with concern. 

Safiyya breathed and told him what was going on. “Today is the last day and if I can't do anything, Gab will be in trouble,” 

“That's serious,” Jaleel said with narrowed eyes. Hidden clips in Hill Corp? There was no way the CEO and owner of such a high-tech company couldn't solve that. What was Alfred planning? Or was he testing Safiyya? 

“Don't worry, I'll help you. Give me a minute,” He told her reassuringly and she felt a gush of relief. 

Jaleel reached out into his coat and brought out a small phone. Safiyya waited patiently and he did his business. He paused before taking out a flash drive.  He copied everything and gave it to her. Safiyya held the small drive gratefully amazed at how this small thing could save someone’s reputation.  

“Jazakallahu Khair brother Jaleel,” she looked up and thanked him sincerely.

“It's not a big deal Safiyya. You are like a sister to me and it took little effort,” he said truthfully. Others might find it hard to hack into Hill Corp’s system but not him and he was sure that Alfred would detect it. After all, he didn't hide the tracks. 

“Still, thank you,” Safiyya smiled. 

“You have a good heart,” Jaleel said simply.  “Throughout the years, I've been worried about my best friend and his son but now I know that there is someone I can trust with them,” 

Safiyya blinked and lowered her gaze. Their life topics were always sensitive. 

Jaleel chuckled dryly. “I know that Alfred is stubborn now and will be hard to deal with but please endure it and show him the right way. Eventually, you would get to see just how good his heart is. That part of him I am sure will never be buried, it just needs revival. It makes me overjoyed to know that Joseph is in good hands and his future will be Masha Allah. It's not easy to hold onto a responsibility but when we do it and do it with all our heart, Allah will always ease our affairs. So, keep being you and Allah will guide your path,” 

“I will, In sha Allah,” Safiyya nodded with a faint smile. 

Jaleel smiled back and told her. “I saved a number and mail address in the drive. You can contact me there and I will be there to help,” 

“Okay,” she said. “I don't know how I can thank you,” 

“My reward is with the Almighty.” Jaleel shook his head. “Now rush over and end that scandal,” 

“Sure,” Safiyya stood up with great hope now. They bid farewell and she took a cab to Hill Corp. Time to expose the truth now. 

Who missed him?😍
Team Jaleel🥳

Prepare your weapons, we have a fire chapter next.

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