Chapter 44 - Bloody Oath

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"There is no more important quality

in a man than loyalty"

Athreia had never felt so strange, so calm, so

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Athreia had never felt so strange, so calm, so... at peace.

In that little world lost in the mountains, among people she had never seen, she was feeling more and more at home.

It had only taken her a few days to find her place, and now everyone was looking to her for help, advice or support.

And she did her best day and night, never refusing to lend a hand; it was what she had always done, but now instead of leading troops or assigning guards she built fences, tilled fields, or repaired houses.

And she was happy.

It was as if that village and its inhabitants had the power to suck all the bad thoughts, worries and fears out of her mind.

In order not to forget old habits, she had also agreed to teach that trio of urchins who always hung around her how to handle a sword.

Technically, she was still a prisoner, yet she didn't feel like one in the slightest; she had even forgotten to have a servant stone implanted in her neck.

In the evening, after a hard day's work, she and everyone else gathered in the longhouse to have dinner and tell stories, stories of suffering, pain and hope that had opened her eyes to a world that she would never have imagined.

Only now was she beginning to understand how little she had always known about the world around her, realizing that ultimately centaurs weren't that different from other monsters; they too suffered, struggled and hoped for something better for their children.

However, all of them agreed on one thing: that they were happy now, and that they would do anything to protect those who had given them a life worth living again.

For this reason, among those who had battle experience there was already talk of establishing a special unit to be put at the service of Daemon and his vision, and naturally every time the topic came up Athreia was the first one everyone looked at as a potential leader.

It was in those moments that the girl remembered who she really was and her condition, and however incredible it might be she always tried to escape by preferring other topics.

Also because, given the isolation of the village, all the tribulations that the Free State was facing seemed so distant from there, as if nothing could threaten the tranquility of that happy island.

This was at least until the day when a messenger, lost in the middle of a storm, came to the village along the road to the Castle, immediately being surrounded by a large crowd of curious people looking for news.

"The attack on Grote Muren was a success, and we regained control of our entire territory. Now the Commander and his men are headed east to defeat our enemies once and for all."

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