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Chapter 8: Conflict

Tae Seok walked away from Jiji's door, then stopped in the hallway to listen for a rustling of paper, which came only a few moments later. Confident that he had done the right thing, he continued straight, through to the door that led to the bakery entrance.

"Why is he allowed to see her, and I can't?" Tae Seok heard Benji complain and he stopped in front of the door instead of opening it

"Because unlike you, he doesn't have ulterior motives." Jun said, and Tae Seok guessed he was talking directly to Benji because he no longer heard the clinking noise of the dishes Jun had been cleaning when Tae Seok left the room.

"First of all, I do not have ulterior motives. I am worried about Jiji–she's my best friend."

Jun scoffed.

"Secondly, Tae Seok is totally up to something. I mean, Jiji isn't just interested in anybody. There's obviously something suspicious about him, and I'm going to find out." Benji finished resolutely, and took a step.

"Whoa, whoa. Not so fast. Has it ever occurred to you that Jiji might like Tae Seok, and not the other way around?"


"I mean, you yourself said that she isn't just interested in anybody. Maybe she just likes him."

Benji might have considered this, but Tae Seok most definitely had not. Jiji whole-heartedly hated him, and Jun even said that she was just in denial–academically, of course. Was it possible that Jiji actually was interested in him as anything but a nemesis?

"No way! Jiji totally needs to be protected. Tae Seok is more slippery than you give him credit for, and Jiji isn't smart enough to handle it. That's why she needs me."

As Benji iterated this, Tae Seok had begun to grip the doorframe to steady himself in light of the frustration that rose up within him. How could Benji say such a thing? Jiji thought miles ahead of Benji, she was just too blinded by love to see it. Remembering Jiji's obvious crush on Benji weighed Tae Seok back down from his anger, and his hand slipped from the doorframe to the door itself, bringing his whole body forward. He fell into the door and onto the ground, revealing himself to the two arguing beyond the corridor.

"What the-" Benji yelped, scared by the sudden event.

"Are you okay?" Jun asked as he moved to help Tae Seok up from the floor.

"Fine, thanks." Tae Seok fixed his shirt. "I just wanted to say that Jiji doesn't need your help, and you shouldn't talk about her like that. You've been leading her on, and then you talk about her like she's an idiot."

Jun gave Tae Seok a reassuring look, urging him to continue, but Benji interjected before he could.

"You don't even know her!" Benji was seething. "If you think you can waltz into our town with your high and mighty popular-kid knowledge and steal my best friend away from me, then think again. You might've fooled all the girls into believing your 'nice guy' routine, but I know better. Jiji will always, always, pick me over you. She's been totally in love with me for three years, so you don't have a chance." Benji crossed his arms and sneered at Tae Seok.

Knock, knock.

The noise drew all three boys' attention and they turned to face the sound. Jiji stood in the doorway, with her fists clenched at her sides. A cloud of tension rested over the room. 

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