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Alex pov:
Today made it three days, and I had finished reading the book which was quite surprising because I hate reading especially when the book has many chapters.

Reading this book really helped a lot and also made me realise how much responsibilities I had to fulfill as the supreme god. I had always felt deep down, something calling out to me but I had never paid attention to it, but it all made sense to me now. I can't believe how ignorant I've been, I said to myself. It was already late in the morning and the sun was already rising, I put on casual clothes, holding the book in my hands I went to look for zephyr, I found him meditating and waited for him to finish.

I see you have finished reading the book. To ensure you understood what you read, give me a brief summary of it...

Elyria is a magical realm where mythical creatures dwelled it is a world different from ours. It also has two other realms which are the fae realm and the realm of evil, the fae realm consisted of faes that were peace loving and quiet although mischievous in nature.
The realm of evil consisted of selfish, greedy and power hungry demons..........

I listened to Alex with a smile on my face, I was happy to see he had really understand the situation he was in, his role as the supreme god and his duty to the people. Indeed I was happy with his progress, however this was just the foundation of it all, I still need to prepare him for the tests he would take in elyria. A test would be carried out on him as soon as we get to elyria this tests will prove if the prophecy was true and if he was really the supreme god.

That's good of you Alex I said once he finished summarising the book, that's just the foundation of it, today we would carry out physical trainings and see if that would boost your powers a bit.
You need to start embracing your powers now so that on the day of your awakening, it won't be too much for your human body to handle, I said.

They bought went to the open field at the back of the house, their house was very isolated and a bit far from town, so they had enough privacy.

Zephyr gazed at Alex with a mix of pride and concern.  Today was the day he would learn to harness his powers, a crucial milestone in a guardian's life. Alex eyes sparkled with excitement, but Zephyr knew the journey ahead wouldn't be easy.

Alex your body is a vessel for your powers, it must learn to accept and embrace them. Zephyr explained his voice steady and reassuring, Are you ready he asked.

'Yes I am' Alex said eagerly.

Let's begin said zephyr as they bought sat down in a meditating position, focus on your inner energy, feel it coursing through your veins said zephyr .

As Alex closed his eyes, zephyr guided him through meditation helping him tap into his dormant powers, for a split second nothing happened but slowly Alex body began emitting a soft glow as the aura around him picked up, zephyr was amazed at how good he was in finding his inner energy.

But Alex soon starts trembling and his body shook violently as images of his past life as the supreme god start flooding his memories.

'Alex' zephyr called as he held Alex trembling body and took him back inside, he laid him on his bed and pat his head with wet cloth as his temperature had risen, slowly the trembling stopped and Alex calmed down but he fell asleep immediately after that. On noticing this zephyr made sure he was in a comfortable position before leaving him to rest.


I walked out of his room after making sure he was okay, I started thinking about what had happen earlier but my thoughts would only be answered when he wakes up, I signed, I couldn't help but think about what could have caused that, were the powers too much for his body to take or what?  I thought until it finally struck me, Alex was a reincarnation of the supreme god and him harnessing its powers could have triggered memories of his past life, I thought.

I hope he wakes up soon.... I said.

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