Roc & Rescue

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Featured song:

1. Excerpt from "Colombia Mi Encanto" from Encanto

Back in Encanto, the summer sun was hitting pretty hard on all the workers. It was already hard enough that everyone had to harvest a bunch of food all over again, but it was even harder that they had to make double their usual annual quota.

Unfortunately, even the strongest of all the men could take the heat so well, and many started to collapse after too much time in the sun.

And.... there went another one.

"Mama!" Mirabel called, seeing another man fall.

"Oh no, not another one." Julieta groaned. "On three, Mija."

Mirabel and Julieta helped the man up to get him some water and medical attention.

"This is ridiculous!" Camilo said. "We're never going to make double quota before Mariverde comes back."

"Well, we have to try, Camilo." Mirabel said. "We don't have any choice."

"Yeah, I know." Camilo sighed. "Any visions on when Mila will come back, Tio Bruno?"

"Nothing yet." Bruno said.

Bruno had been checking his visions at least three times every day, but couldn't see anything about his eldest daughter. He was beginning to get worried.

"No. I pray she's okay. She's been gone for a long time."

"At least she can't mess everything up here." said one man.

"Watch it! That's my daughter you're talking about." Bruno threatened. He looked to the heavens above. "Hear my prayer. Please let my precious Mila come home soon."

And what he didn't know then was that his prayer would be answered a lot sooner than he expected.


Rosella and Pedro were standing in Mila's scissor lift, searching with the Multi-Scope binoculars she gave them.

"Do you see her?" Pedro asked, as it was his sister's turn to look.

"Not yet." Rosella said.

"Hey, look who's playing lookout again," said one boy down below. "Rosie and Peter."

"The name is Rosella." Rosella corrected.

"And it's Pedro, not Peter." Pedro said.

"Well, Rosa...." said another boy. "You still looking for Mila?"

"Forget it, Princess. That freak show's never coming back."

"Call my sister a freak show, I'll haunt you in your dreams!" Pedro threatened.

However, that was when Rosella spotted something with her binoculars. She saw what looked like a bunch of flying horses with a bunch of people she'd never seen before, and among them.... she saw...

"MILA! She did it! She did it!" Rosella cheered.

"What?!" Pedro said. "Where? Let me see!"

The boys down below decided to climb a tree to look for themselves.


Mila was ecstatic when she finally saw they were coming upon Encanto. How good it felt to finally be home!

"This is it!" Mila shouted. "This is Encanto!"

"It's even more beautiful than I imagined." Padme smiled.

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