-Thirty Six- || -halfway -

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My Dearest Fleur,

That's the mission hallway done, which means halfway home to you my darling.

This will sound really random but in muggle studies in 5th year we were given muggle history books and had to read them and this is very reminiscent of when the soldiers of ww2 would keep journals/ write home to cure the trench boredom. Except I'm on a wild goose chase across the world and not fighting a war..yet..

The exotic environment was hard to adjust to and many times I forgot the protective spells so I got really badly sunburned and Reed pulled the skin off my back like a sheet of parchment..not fun.

It's been anything but glamorous I'll tell you that, yesterday I'd finally had enough of my long hair..you out of everyone will be glad to be shot of the complaints.. so I've cut it, it's no longer at my ribs and it's now just below my jaw and I like it and hopefully you will to.

How's things with the order I know you can't tell me but just a good or bad would help.

I love you so so much

Jade x

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