2. chapter two

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The car is shit

I'm just mad as hell cause I've loved this place for So, Long

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I'm just mad as hell
cause I've loved this place for
So, Long...

Monza was a city circuit quite simple to manage. Especially for an experienced pilot like him. But it's been months that everyone on the team seemed strangely to be rowing against him. Did they want to make him lose? Did they want to see him defeated? He couldn't connect anymore with his teammates, pilots, engineers, mechanics or senior executives. Even his father didn't seem to be on his side.

And, fuck,  the car sucked.

He kept repeating it, at every race. He created radio contact and said it publicly: the car is too slow.

The answer was always the same and filled him with frustration, they told him that he had to let them do their job, that they knew what they were doing.

But the weeks passed by and he lost points and positions in the standings. The sponsors began to wonder if he was still the right man, as they shifted their attention to other drivers with more points and more victories.

And meanwhile Lewis felt himself plunged into a spiral of negativity, and pessimism darkened his soul and clouded his concentration. And his driving got worse, and with it his results.

When, after a disastrous Monza, he wanted to talk to his team in the Paddock, while the car was smoking with some brake problems and the seat was having an ergonomics problem, everyone was on the defensive.

« Lewis, calm down. Breathe. Remember our mantra.»  his father was telling him, as he accompanied him down the corridor of the stable garage.

« Fuck the mantras, Dad. I'm so fucking fed up.» said the pilot, helmet in his right hand and unbuttoned suit only on his neck. He was sweaty because of the recent race, drops of sweat slid down his temple. He wiped them with his forearm.

« it doesn't make any sense... you need to calm down. Acting like this you only risk to ruin everything.»

«Ruin what, Dad?» Lewis said between his teeth, stopping and facing his father.

The two were tall the same,  same dark complexion, the same deep brown eyes.

« Look,  I am already in shreds, and the situation during the last year has worsened.»

Anthony Hamilton scratched his forehead and bowed his head. He put his hands on his hips, trying to find the words to calm his son with the knowledge that he was right after all.

« you have to hold on, Lewis, okay? Now let's talk about it and if we keep the tone calm I'm sure the situation will be resolved positively.»

It had to be solved, Lewis thought, looking at his father who was also his manager. One way or another.

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