4. chapter four

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Chapter four

Maybe just for one night

It was the great escape, the prison breakThe light of freedom on my face

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It was the great escape, the prison break
The light of freedom on my face

Lewis found himself staring blankly at the long charger cable dangling from his hands, watching her walk out of the room as if he had just dealt with the most anonymous person in the world. He wasn't used to it. Usually, everyone wanted something from him: a photo, an autograph, a hug, an interview, a TikTok video.

"Say this, Lewis, please! Can you wish my brother a happy birthday? Can you sign my hat? Take a photo? Smile, Lewis! Lewis, over here!"

The blinding flashes of the spotlights came back to his mind as he stared into space, hearing all the voices of all the people he had crossed paths with in his life echoing in his head. They were loud, intrusive, relentless. And the volume kept increasing, as they alternated quickly like images on an old slide, mixing with the sound of tires on the asphalt of the paddock, and the engine noise, culminating in his own screams in the garage that afternoon. And everything became louder, to the point where his ears were ringing and he closed his eyes in fear that he was reaching a breaking point with an explosion that would destroy him.


A voice coming from outside his head. And when he opened his eyes and saw her green eyes... everything stopped. Silence returned.

Cornelia smiled at him, serene, relaxed. And in her relaxed and slightly sun-kissed face, Lewis found some peace. This place was so quiet. She was quiet.
She had recognized him, but she had treated him like any other guy who had broken down his car and found himself stranded on the side of the road. And the natural way she did it made him feel safe.
For a moment, he had truly been Lewis Armstrong and his problems were no longer his own, but of the Lewis he had left behind in the paddock.

«I brought you some water,» Cornelia said. And Lewis took the glass she was offering him, noticing that Roscoe was already busy with a bowl of fresh water.
«Thank you, Cornelia.»
«no worries. Anyway, you can call me Connie, it's easier.»
«Okay, Connie.»

The Italian girl felt her heart skip a beat hearing the pilot pronounce her name in that way. The English accent, her own name on his dark lips...
Okay, calm down Connie!

Lewis took a long sip of water.
«Oh, you didn't charge your phone. Is the charger not working?» the girl asked, noticing that Lewis still had the charger in his hand. «What? Oh, no, I... sorry, I didn't know where to find the plug,» the pilot lied.
«Right, I was a terrible host. May I?» she then asked, pointing to the charger he had in his hand. Lewis handed it to her, and then also gave her the phone, watching her as she plugged it in to charge it on a free outlet right below, to the right of the mahogany cabinet. «There you go. It should turn on in a few minutes,» Connie said. «I'll go outside and take a look at your car, if you're okay with that.»
«Do you really know how to fix it?»
«I should. But I'm sure they'll come pick you up before I even start.»
«Yeah, right....» he said. «Thank you. I'll make this call and be right there.»
«Take all the time you need, and make yourself at home.» With that, Cornelia headed towards the exit, not before giving some cuddles to a wagging Roscoe.

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