Chapter 7: Heat Malfunction

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The next day, I know I have to focus on Kota. I have a mission, and Aaron is just an interesting side job to help me feel a little bit less like the shittiest of alien secret agents. I may not have the Psychord I want, but you work with what you've got.

Kota is no more receptive in history class than usual. He's even gloomier and moodier in music, and it doesn't go well for any of us because the black storm cloud around Kota's head seems especially distracting to the music teacher.

After class, I notice that Mrs. Kendricks approaches Kota. She's whispering, but that doesn't stop the Synthnet from giving me her every word as she speaks it.

"Kota, I was wondering if you've given any more thought to joining the orchestra. We badly need a new first-chair cello, and I'm sure you could get that position if you tried. I know it's just a high school orchestra, but first chair still looks really good on applications, and I'll be able to write you a recommendation to wherever you want to go if you feel like studying music at a higher level."

"I haven't changed my mind," Kota says, the Synthnet giving me what Mrs. Kendricks hears. His voice is low and gravelly. He doesn't sound angry, just tired and annoyed. "I don't need any of that because I won't be doing anything with the cello or music anymore. I told you that."

Mrs. Kendricks sighs. "I know you did, Kota, and I respect that, I really do, but I was talking with Ms. Brendley, and after I heard what she had to say about you, I just had to give it another try. My offer is open for as long as you're a student at this school. I promise I won't bring it up again. I just want you to know that it's there."

"Noted," Kota replies, and then he shuffles past me out of the room.

I follow Kota out at a healthy distance. My mind is spinning. Kota must have a talent for music, maybe something I can use. The Synthnet returns information on Ms. Brendley. She is the middle school music teacher, and she sometimes gives private lessons. Kota was one of her private students. He must be good, or Kendricks would never have said all that. I wonder why he stopped, why he refuses so adamantly.

I have only one person in mind who might know.

Ren is a quiet guy. If Aaron thinks I'm a major nerd, then he's probably never noticed that Ren exists. I have to give Ren a mild Infixation just to get him to talk to me across the lunch table. He's alone today because Kota is AWOL. After the confrontation with Kendricks, he probably couldn't wait to go and get high and forget that he has a musical talent that he's wasting.

"So you're Kota's best friend?" I ask.

"I guess," Ren replies. "I mean we used to be besties, been close since, like, kindergarten. Lately, though, it feels like I don't even know Kota anymore. He's not the same kid I grew up with."

I offer Ren one of Maya's homemade cookies to keep him talking. "What changed?"

Ren shrugs, taking the cookie and nibbling. He moves the cafeteria ravioli around on his tray and looks like he'd prefer to drown in the sauce than answer my questions.

"I just want to help him," I say. I use another mild Infixation to support that claim. "We both want him to be okay, right?"

"Yes, I do want him to be okay. He was never a stoner before this year, before..." Ren looks up at me sharply. His mind suddenly focuses with razor intent. It's even enough to throw off my Infixation. It takes an intensely strong, deep emotion to do that. "I don't really think I should say anymore. It's Kota's private stuff."

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