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As I headed downstairs I saw him. And of course his friends were there too. God forbid he goes a day without them. I rolled my eyes as I walked past them.
“I’m out” I was about to grab the doorknob.
“Aurora Elizabeth Gaskarth” my mom never used my middle name unless it was serious.
“What mother” I rolled my eyes. “Acknowledge your brother” she demanded. What else is new, it was always about him And it always will be.
I gritted my teeth “fine hello you, there happy now I’m leaving” rolling my eyes. And my dad said he changed that’s funny. He will always think he’s better than me because he’s three minutes older. I slammed the door.
I then soon realized I forgot my keys but I remembered he always left his spare in his glovebox. For someone good at everything supposedly that sure is dumb. Whatever I took his car it’s not like he can’t just get another one.
Alex’s POV
I heard my engine outside going. “She took my fucking car!” I ran outside but she was already speeding off.
“Yeah she definitely hates you” Jack stated and Rian smacked him. “Ow!” Now I’m starting to remember she always took my things at first I thought it was cool but my car. I buried my head in my hands. I knew of one place she’d go. Parker’s. That horrible ex- boyfriend of hers. 
“We going after her?” Zack poked me.
“We have she’s headed to him” I hated that guy. He repeatedly cheated on her and she always goes running back. We all headed there in Rian’s  car. And as I figured she headed to his house.
“Aurora!” I yelled.
She flipped me off and headed inside. I stormed over and banged on the door.
"Hey man" he answered while smirking. God I wanted to punch him. "Aurora your brothers here"
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" She screamed as she came to the door. "go the fuck away or better yet go fuck something" she rolled her eyes.
"We're leaving" I grabbed her wrist. "Like the hell I am. You're not the boss of me. "I'm 34 years old." She yanked her wrist away.
"He's not good for you let's go" I grabbed her again this time throwing her over my shoulders. Zack was behind me as Parker tried grabbing her, he knocked him out. Man I wanted to do that. We drove back home and you can tell she's pissed.

As he put me down I smacked him.

"What gives you the right to do that?!" I yelled at him. And he wonders why I hate him. He doesn't ever let me live my own life.

"He's not good for you" Alex yelled back.

"Dad told me you changed. Bullshit! You'll never change just stay out of my life. I fucking hate you!" I stormed upstairs. I was better off staying in London. At least it was my life over there.

Alex's POV

Well that backfired on me.

"She didn't mean that sweetheart" My mom said. I shook my head I knew she did.

"I need some air" I sighed running my fingers through my hair.

"Hey you okay man?" Jack asked me as him and the guys followed me outside.

" She hates me. My own sister fucking hates me. What do you think!?" I snapped. " Sorry"

I just thought it was us being teenagers that made us fight. I don't even remember when she hated me in the first place.

"She'll come around" Rian tried reassuring me.

"Why did you two fight before?" Zack asked me.

"I don't even remember. To tell you the truth." I sighed.

"Come on. Maybe going to the studio might help" Rian put his arm around me.

"Yeah maybe you're right" I sighed as we loaded into my car.

Call out the names that you used to know,
Singing along a broken stereo,
Crossfire that you can't ignore,
I know I'm not around much anymore, anymore,
One more time for second chances

As we then finished recording Nice2knowU. Rian was right I did feel a little bit better. Matt looked at me, "you okay man?"

"Not really. Aurora came home today" I sighed.

"Enough said. " He said "you two never really did say goodbye when she left."

"We weren't exactly each other's fan at that moment " I said.

"She'll come around. You're not the same person as you were then" he patted me on the back.

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