Returning To Hell

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Nevena didn't know what to do for those first few days. So she spent time with her new daughter, Lilliana or Lily as she preferred calling her for short. 

But then she started making lists. She had soon remembered her new magic. So she color coded things with note books. 

Red note book: This she needed to do. 

#1: Get vervain and wolfsbain

#2: Get Bennett Necklace and spellbook

#3: Set Enzo Free

#4: Set Kai free

#5: Get the Mikaelson family and Salvatore's on her side

#6: Tell Jenna about the supernatual

#7: Take self defense classes

#8: Build a Day Light Ring Empire

And as she continued on with the list she knew what had to be done. 

Next was a blue note book: Who to save.

#1: Lexi

#2: Anna and Harper

#3: Liz

#4: Jenna

#5: Klaus

#6: Elijah

#7: Hayley

#8: Enzo

#9: Katherine

#10: Jo (Maybe)

#11: Kai

And then she put notes for each character. Their lives and how they died.

Next was a Green book: Spells she could remember

Next was a black book: Who to kill (Pretty much all of them bad guys)

And as time passed she did everything on the list. 

She freed Enzo from the school and killed everyone there and set it all on fire. Then she sent him away till Miss Mystic Falls. 

Then she black mailed Zach to give her vervain, and then she orders wolfspain on the internet. She then got a small tattoo with both mixed in. Something that Jenna flipped about. 

But when she woke up the next morning she noticed more tattoos had appeared

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But when she woke up the next morning she noticed more tattoos had appeared. They were all sentences, quotes, and it confused her greatly, till she realized they were quotes of a few characters and their first quotes on the show. So she went to Sheila Bennett and asked her what it was, which the old woman then told her that it was, in fact, soulmate words. And those words were their first words in her vicinity. 

After that she moved on with taking self defense classes. 

Then she started collecting Bennett shit everywhere. She even went down into the siren caves. She knew Sybil was the only left and she couldn't get in the old room she was looking for because of the magic wall, but it didn't stop her from being freaked the fuck out every time she heard something down there. She grabbed everything that was supposed to be important and then she left. 

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