Swift Escape

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As Leafy just waddled under the storm while still being bruised and carrying his sister's sword in silence. Consider him lucky he was alive and still walking here unlike the unfortunate fate of his friends falling into the lava during Scary Mary's attack.

Poor kid had to witness his own members going against the Dream Team without knowing why they chose to. He knew something was off when the moment one of the adults laid their hands onto the crowbar that The Brute dropped in curiousity. Who knew they would end up joining the Evil Team.

Concerning to see his sister immediately pushing the last member off to stop them from finishing the Detective, but only to fall with them. At least she wasn't trying to get onto the evil side. But definitely not a wonderous and yet traumazing site for a kid like him to see his big sis, burning alive into the lava pit.

He could have chosen to go with the Dream Team. He could have. But witnessing all what happened and fearing the Dream Team might hate him, considering how his entire group went against them, He bolted for the exit despite the desperate calls of the Dream Team, only the intentions of protecting the little kid from the upcoming Grand Purge.

So you could say that they may be looking for him. But not with much lucky as he was far from the evil base. Little did he realised someone else was on about lurking or you could perphaps say..watching him.

"..." As he stopped walking and flopped onto the wet grass patch since he was too tired to continues as he got wet under the rain. The soothing sound of the rain was a little unnerving yet calming to him.

Underlining out of nowhere, he heard something snapped which made him fidgeted heavily. Looking frantically as he got up and welid the sword in positon. It wasn't much a problem for him to not make any sounds, since he was muted. He squinted his eyes at the direction of the forest as he could see something moving in the bushes.

Slowly he could hear metal footstops. Unusual. He froze when he made eye contact with a pair of red and yellow pupils. "..." As he immediately pointed the sword at the thing while stepping back a little.

"!!" As he immediately jumped back when a mechanical fist nearly punched him in the face. As he sees the extended mechanical arm laying on the ground. Weirdly has a cartoonish glove it had as he approached it.

Tap.. Tap... 

As he used his small feet to see if it was moving. At first it didn't seemed to move at all so he slowly tried to pick up the hand with his own small hands. It was a small struggle considering his a small toddler roblox player and his poor small finger can't do much-

"..." As he finally picked it up. Nothing happened. It didn't move. So Leafy just hugged the hand and wiggle it a little, to only feel it slowly gripping onto his hands.

"!?" As he immediately felt his hands crushed, he tried to scream but to no avail, he was tightly grabbed by the collar and slowly being lifted into the air. He was panicking a lot as he struggled to get down. Until he finally heard someone spoke, in an threatening and malicious tone.

"Look do we have here..."

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