Unexpected Visitor

16 1 0

Time 2.01 a.m

States: Losing insanity by the minute

Please end me.

Score level: 1021

Scary Larry was pretty bored by the minute, laying on the floor, being stuck in that room for hours is slowly driving him insane. Clearly nothing much to be done he was practically restrained and chained to the floor, only able it sit up and walked in very very short distance.

Time to time, some of his goons would try to check up on him, to..only get stupidly caught by Scary Mary. He was able to hear the so-called "meeting" with Barry and the Twins mentioned by Mary earlier on since it was just the next room and hearing that he would likely be sent back to experimenting and turn into that crazy head robot thing was definitely something that he doesn't want.

Relentless hours he tried so many ways to get out. Biting the chains, using his mechanical arms to retract weapons and sharp objects to cut through the chains, or even extending the mechanical limbs to search around the room for something to break free. But it was not really much a use.

At least he wasn't restrained to a chair like those pervious times. Perhaps he doesn't want to talk about it. So right now he was laying on the floor with his mechanical red eye showing a screen, playing Tetris at the moment since he couldn't sleep at all, especially how uncomfortably he was restrained.

"This… is the most boring time of my life…Complete Bullshit." he muttered as he continued to stare at the ceiling while with annoyed and bored expression. He then heard the door creak open, but he didn't bother to get up or look who it was. Presuming it was the Twins coming here to mock and ridicule him like usual, he paused the game and spoke up in an irritated tone.

"I'm not interested in listening to your mockery and bullshit, Luke and Brooke. The least you can do is show some damn respect to the older ones."

But..There were no replies.

This got him a little confused and more annoyed so he repeated himself in a more harsh tone.

"I'm not in the mood to deal with you morons. Just.. get lost."

No reply once again. Until.. He felt a small pair of hands tugging the chains of his mechanical legs, which clearly got him confused so he looked forward to see… Leafy who had a bandaged leg, trying to get the chains off of Scary Larry.

Scary Larry screamed and kicked him into a nearby wall-

"JEEZ.." Scary Larry said as he immediately up. Leafy already fell onto the ground face-flat while there was a hole version of him on the wall. He got up slowly and dusted himself before waddling over and continuing to tug the chains.

"What the hell is a little fry like you doing here, How the hell did you even find me!?" He asked while looking pissed, but Leafy didn't reply of course.

Scary Larry got increasingly frustrated by the second , not wanting to deal with the one person who had lead to his failure in the beginning. He seriously despised him and and his team, more on to his sister, consider the number of times he was caught by her.

"Get lost. I don't need your sympathy." Scary Larry said as he smacked Leafy. Leafy immediately tumbled down and fell on his butt while staring at him. "You're the sole reason why I'm in this state. You worthless brat."

"..." Leafy just stared at him as if he was staring at soul. He looked down before smashing the chain with his little hands, bashing it despite it making his hand bruised.

Scary Larry.. He was stunned to see the kid doing that. It looks painful to say the least. He scoffed and said, "You know you're just hurting yourself more dumb kid. Your hand are too small to break these chain-"

But he was stopped as he see Leafy giving the chains one good hit, causing them to break and shatter, making him free.

"What..!?" Scary Larry said while looking confused, stood up and kicked the chains away. At least he was free. Now he could escape once again.

He immediately up and was able to retract his mechanical arms to its original length and was about to leave the room but he pause to look back at Leafy who was sitting at the ground, looking at the floor innocently. It seemed he doesn't know what to do.

"Should I really bring that brat along? I mean afterall he did help my ass.. But it gives no damn rights for me to be nice for a twit like him"

Scary Larry thought for a moment before groaning and speaking, "Come on brat, Lead the way out of here. But don't think I'm going to be Mr Nice guy" Leafy's eyes lids up and he waddled to Scary Larry's side to only be shoved in the head. "Go on, little twit. We don't have all day. I deal with you personally once we get the hell out of this place." Scary Larry said while folding his arms and giving Leafy a sombre and annoyed look, clearly impatient at the moment.

At least perhaps Leafy was alive. No one had an idea why he helped a freaking Purge Mobster but maybe.. Scary Larry might know why. All it matters is that they have to get out of this hellhole. Away from Mary, Barry and the Twins. And fast.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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