⋅˚₊‧ ଳ ‧₊˚ ⋅ let's grow old together.

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It was done. It was finally over. Faye didn't know how much more he could take of that.. that horrible stuff before he slipped away.

Faye was bleeding profusely, coughing up blood and tears as he laid curled up on the ground. The poor lad was only five, and being targeted by such.. higher.. figures. The kid cried as much as a five year old possibly could have in that moment.

Right across the road was a far more joyous lad- only a tad disheartened by the toddler leash he was being kept on and the fact he was being brought to school. He hummed as he walked, only stopping once he noticed a barrage of sobs from across the road.

He looked over, tilting his head. At first, he thought it was some sort of clothing pile- well.. pile of something, that's for sure. He didn't exactly know what it was for a moment.

He then realized what he mistook for a pile was a person. A curled up, teeny human. Of course, he was smaller, but it pained him to see someone so small in such pain.

Timi pouted, taking a blade from the sidewalk. It just so happened to be there- In that moment, someone's litter happened to be a lifesaver. Timi cut his leash, and without his sitter realizing, rushed across the road. 

It wasn't a busy town, so no cars even came close to Timi. When he reached the other side, he dropped down beside the huddled up lad.

"..Hi!" Timi called out, his hands moving to shake the other person. He wanted to see if they were still up.

In fact, they were. Faye jolted upright- His fight or flight being triggered by the sudden touch.

He was a mess, Timi could see that. The tears flowing from his cheeks mixed with the blood that covered his face. His freshly reopened scar bled horribly- however, Timi wasn't scared off.

He rushed up to his feet, pulling Faye up to his own. It wasn't easy for Faye to walk- he had just been jumped, to put it easily. His legs were barely functional- either or they were just numb, making them limp.

"..You'll be okay!" Timi reassured him, supporting him as he walked him across the road. He slinked right past his babysitter and into the library- Of course, it was empty.

Libraries weren't really relevant to anyone anymore. Everyone had phones, no one needed books other than 'old people', but those people wouldn't be there right at the rising of the sun. He rushed them into the back, trying to ignore how Faye was bleeding all over the floor.

In his mind, Timi was starting to panic. The blood.. it was a lot, too much to come out of a boy Faye's age. He started scavenging through the boxes, tearing them apart until he found an emergency medical kit.

Once he unzipped it, he came to realization that he had barely any idea of how to use the items inside of it— but hell, he had to try. He ripped a roll of bandages from its spot, alongside wipes- an item he actually knew how to use. He started wiping Faye's wounds down, taking deep breaths as some blood only continued to seep out of the wounds.

He started to wrap the bandage around the wounds- snipping it off with the blade he had picked up earlier, and taping it together with.. duct tape. Not exactly the best thing to use- or, the most professional thing, but it worked!

Faye could only watch as the boy did this. He was.. happy. He was being taken care of- Even if it was from some random child that had seen him, he was happy. Someone cared enough to push out of their comfort zone and help him.

Faye started crying. Looking at his bandaged wounds, he couldn't help but sob. He was happy- extremely so. He clutched at the older bandage that covered his eye, sobbing into his hands as he failed to contain his emotion. A lot of emotions came out at that moment, but happiness was the main source of his tears.

Timi looked down at their clothes. They were dirtied with blood, mostly, as well as other substances that were scattered amongst the dirty sidewalk they had been on earlier. Completely ignoring the mess, he clasped his arms around Faye, holding him tightly as he cried. Even when Faye dropped back onto the ground after a weak attempt at composing himself and standing, Timi made sure to hold him tight.

In that moment, an unspeakable and inseparable bond formed between the two, one that words couldn't exactly explain. They could only hope to grow old together.

..That'd happen, right?


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