Chapter 2

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"Welcome to NEWT-level Charms, everyone!" Professor Ronen's cheerful voice resonated in the classroom the next day. His greeting was met with low grumbles from the students. Norah, who shared the class with Natty and Ominis, looked on nervously. Professor Ronen chuckled. "I know, I know, the exams for this level is going to be dreadful, but fortunately you have me as your teacher and I will try to keep it as fun and as engaging as possible. Who knows, I would've already tested you without you knowing it."

Earlier, before they went off to their classes, Norah made sure to tell Natty, Poppy, and Amit about what she planned to show them. But not without another passing comment from Imelda about the tryout schedules for the team. Thankfully, a crowd of first and second years were already lining up to take part in the tryouts. Norah knew it should keep Imelda preoccupied for the entire time she tested everyone who wanted to join the team.

"If you were not informed about this before, your NEWT exam for this subject will have both a practical and written portion. Therefore it is imperative that you understand the spells I will discuss and teach you. Not a lot of us are able to put these spells into practice outside Hogwarts, so this is the next best thing," Professor Ronen eyed Norah as he said it. "Please pay attention."

Norah glanced at Ominis, who had already begun jotting down Professor Ronen's explanations that were being written behind him. The quill in front of him hastily taking down everything he was saying. It prompted her to do the same, opening her almost battered journal that served as her field guide for the past year. In time, she'd probably need a new ledger, or at least several thick rolls of parchment.

"You do know he was also talking about the two of you, right?" Norah whispered to the blonde boy sitting next to her. Natty, who was sitting closer to her fellow Gryffindors, gave them a knowing look in which they returned with nods. Ominis had been tilting his head in her direction whenever Professor Ronen hinted at it.

"Shut it, Lee, you did more than what I could do," Ominis replied, but Norah could tell he was trying to suppress a laugh. "You got cursed on my behalf, for god's sake."

Norah shook her head. "Don't be so modest, Gaunt. You still helped. Much like how Professor Ronen himself also helped."

Ominis shrugged in defeat, and Norah could tell he was still quite shaken about their search for the scriptorium. A dark cloud remained over his family name, at least he and many others thought so, because of their continued belief in pureblood supremacy. Norah understood how hard it was and still is for him to continue straying from his family's ideals. She remembered the times she'd catch him standing by the window, looking rather wistful while clutching a letter from his parents. He would later reveal to her that his parents weren't too happy about him befriending blood-traitors like her.

Norah took down notes in whatever space was left on the page of her field guide. She suddenly remembered the conversation she and Sebastian had the night before, about Ominis. "...How's Anne?" She muttered to the blonde.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"Anne...You wrote to her last night, didn't you?" She asked. "How is she? I haven't heard from Sebastian about her."

Norah sensed that the mention of the Sallow girl's name laid a pink tinge on his pale cheeks. "She's alright. She sends regards to you, wondering what's going on with you and Sebastian," He glanced at her direction.

"What do you mean? She lives with Sebastian, doesn't she? Don't you?" Norah raised a brow.

Ominis' lips formed a smirk. "Never mind then," he said, sitting back.

Norah smiled to herself as she continued to take down notes. "How far the two of us have come in one year," She muttered. "You weren't so sure about me when we first met, look at us now."

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