Chapter 8

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A/N: Another terrible attempt at poetry ahead, but the last note, the poem in that one is from Perry Poetry. Emotional rollercoaster 2.0. Any guesses as to who "Nick" is? HEHEHEHE

"For today's lesson, we're tackling a few things," Professor Hecat told the class the next day. "Cursed barrier spells, the imperturbable jinx, and the sea urchin jinx," She explained, the latter inciting chuckles from the students. "But before we get onto that, I'd like to commend you all for finishing what I will definitely describe as a long and time-consuming essay on banshees, flesh-eating slugs, and kappas."

Professor Hecat moved the tables to the side once again. "We've got quite a few hours on us today, so a review is also in order. Miss Lee, please step forward," She looked at Norah.

Norah was met with nudges from Natty and Leander, and knowing looks from Sebastian and Ominis as she went to the middle of the room. Professor Hecat conjured the training dummy in front of her, pushing the boggart closet close by. "Bloody hell, Hecat's going to unleash a boggart on Norah," Leander muttered.

"I wonder what form it's going to take in front of her," The Gryffindor Cressida Blume, whispered.

Norah felt her heart pound upon seeing the possibility of the boggart closet. She wondered what was going to come out from there. "Yes, Professor?" She said.

"Since you have undoubtedly some, or may I say, the most experience among your peers in this room, think of the training dummy as an inferi. Begin," Professor Hecat gestured. "Non-verbally, of course."

Norah nodded, glancing at Sebastian and Ominis, who were giving her knowing nods. One, incendio, two, confringo, three, incendio, four, confringo, with the fifth being diffindo. The rest of them clapped when she stepped back, and Professor Hecat looked proud. "10 house points if you can all identify which spells Miss Lee used."

"Show-off," Sebastian teased, making her laugh.

Several of them raised their hands. Professor Hecat ended up calling on Leander, who answered all three spells correctly. "10 points to Gryffindor, thank you Mr. Prewett," Professor Hecat nodded.

Norah gave him a thumbs up. "Merlin, how did you get around to learning confringo?" The tall Gryffindor whispered. She tilted her head toward Sebastian, who grinned. "Ah, figures," He chuckled, stepping aside.

"Well done, next up, the boggart, if you remember what to do when facing a boggart, do so non-verbally," Professor Hecat instructed, even when Norah was asked to return to the middle.

She felt an increasing feeling of anxiety, when the closet was pushed forward, the training dummy vanishing with a quick evanesco. The closet burst open, and Norah could feel her heart pounding.

The figure of Professor Fig emerged, and the room had gone quiet. Sebastian's expression fell, as did Natty's, watching Norah face the boggart in the form of their late professor.

"R-" Norah mumbled, trying her hardest to shake off the sudden fear and sadness that came from seeing Fig's dark expression, trying to walk up to her. She swallowed hard, and closed her eyes, trying to concentrate. Riddikulus. Riddikulus. Riddikulus!

The boggart form of Fig turned into a puffskein that rolled around the closet. Norah fell to her knees, looking quite shaken, tears rolling down her cheeks. Sebastian quickly helped her up, and it was then she was made aware that everyone in the room was staring at her, all of whom looked concerned, some sad. Professor Hecat looked just as concerned. "I guess we'll have to move along, but well done, Miss Lee. Mr. Sallow, will you mind accompanying her outside for some fresh air?"

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