Chapter 3

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"6th years, you've now managed to make it to NEWT levels," Professor Sharp addressed them all that afternoon. "Well done, I must stress that everyone pay attention, and assume that you've all done adequately the previous year to be able to take this subject. All of the potions I will discuss from here on out, you will be required to make and know like the backs of your wands."

Norah was reading along to Professor Sharp's description of the first potion they were to make this year: Veritaserum, which made the drinker tell the truth. Along with the confused hums coming from everyone else, Sharp explained that it was because today, in particular, was the start of the new moon. The ingredients seemed simple enough as she rummaged through her own stock of ingredients.

"There won't be any need to drink these potions, however, lest you look forward to a visit to the hospital wing or even St. Mungo's, so for your safety and everyone else's, avoid doing so. The grade for this will depend on what it looks like after 28 days."

She chuckled, looking over her own kit of ingredients when Professor Sharp signaled for them to begin. Carefully measuring each ingredient, she took her time in brewing the liquid.

"Psst! Norah!"

She looked over her shoulder, seeing Samantha Dale, the Ravenclaw she helped return a crest into her troll-infested family tomb. "Hello Samantha," Norah nodded. "I see you're taking NEWT Potions too."

Samantha was grinning. "Anyone ask you to the Yule Ball yet?" She said, keeping her voice low.

Norah shook her head. "No,no one's asked me yet. It's still quite a long way away, isn't it?"

"Yes, and no," The Ravenclaw replied. "But people are now wondering who might be the lucky guy who takes the Hogwarts heroine to the ball, you know."

Norah looked back at her own cauldron, quickly stirring the mixture until it reached the desired color. Sebastian, who was sharing a table with Norah as well as Amit, glanced at Samantha when she said it. "I'm not expecting anyone to ask me, let's put it at that. I might've scared them away knowing what happened last year," She mumbled, crushing two sopophorous beans with her blade. "What about you, has anyone asked you yet?" She turned it around.

"Oh no, but he will ask me soon, I know it," Samantha was confident. "He might just be waiting for the right time. I'll see him in the common room."

Sebastian and Norah tried to stifle their surprise when Samantha glanced at Amit, who was absorbed in getting his potion right. Or at least gave the impression that he was focused, as the blush in his cheeks became evident.

Norah bit her lip to keep herself from giggling. It was cute. "This is what hanging around Norah feels like, I'm getting more than I bargained for," He mumbled, the blush on his cheeks becoming even more visible.

"Amit is blushing," Ominis quipped as he carefully added his own ingredients in.

"You don't know that," Amit tried to shoot a look at the blonde Slytherin.

"I don't have to see you to know, and I know."

"You're lucky we're not doing amortentia," Sebastian quipped, making the two of them snort, Norah nearly spilling some of her ready made potion as she poured the liquid into a vial. "You'll be in trouble then."

They stiffened up when Professor Sharp approached their table. "I hope all the snickering is that you're all done with brewing your own veritaserums," He said, giving the side-eye to Sebastian and Norah, who presented him with her vial. "Well done, Miss Lee. You've managed to stay focused."

They sighed in relief when Sharp walked away. "So," Norah decided to change the subject. "Are we looking for our first table tonight?"

That made Amit look up in delight. "Yes! But..." His shoulders suddenly sunk.

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