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Short but sweet 🩵


After dinner had been eaten, Scarlett finds herself carrying a diaper clad Brielle up the stairs with the intention of giving her a much needed bath. She'd made the unwise decision to cook pasta, and as a result of that, the once lovely pink dress the little one had been wearing was now covered in bright red pasta sauce.

The chance of it permanently staining was high, and she knows now that she probably should have purchased bibs whilst out today. It had just slipped her mind, especially after the whole breast pump fiasco.

"Mhh?" Brielle grunts somewhat curiously as they make it into the bathroom, pointing one of her little fingers towards the large bathtub sat to the left of the room. Scarlett hums as she adjusts Brielle a little higher up on her hip, pressing her lips against the soft baby skin of her cheek in a tender kiss.

"Yes baby, it's bath time," She agrees as she bends to start filling said tub with warm water, making sure to add a sufficient amount of bubbles. Brielle kicks her legs happily against her thighs as she suckles softly on her fingers, and Scarlett chuckles softly as she eases her down onto the small changing table, making quick work of ridding the little one of her wet diaper and cleaning her up before hoisting her back up onto her hip.

It was a risky move, but she didn't want the little one in a wet diaper for any longer than necessary.

"Just don't pee on me, okay?" She pleads somewhat jokingly, and Brielle simply stares up at her with a blank expression on her face signalling she had no idea what the woman was talking about. With a fond kiss to her forehead, she bends to stop the water. It was a big tub, so it didn't need to be filled all the way up. There was also the fact that Brielle was small, so not as much water was needed.

With one last temperature check that she deems just right, she sets Brielle down into the tub, keeping one hand beneath her armpit to help keep her supported. Scarlett had yet to see her sit unaided due to the fact she'd yet to let her go, so she didn't want to throw the little one into the deep end without knowing if she was capable of sitting up by herself.

Brielle proves her point just seconds later as she leans forward to grab some bubbles and loses her balance. She was seconds away from waterboarding herself before Scarlett lifts her back upright, her heart hammering heavily in her chest. "You're okay," she coos in a cheerful voice, not wanting to upset the little one by revealing just how much she'd alarmed her. "Let's get you clean huh? Then we'll go snuggle before it's bedtime."

Brielle's once quivering bottom lip stills at her words, and Scarlett lets out a quiet breath of relief as she grabs the body wash off of the back of the tub. She singlehandedly manages to pour some into a washcloth, and whilst Brielle babbles quietly to herself and plays with the slowly dissolving bubbles, the woman makes quick but gentle work of scrubbing her clean.

Deciding to forgo a hair wash for tonight, Scarlett reaches to start draining the tub before scooping Brielle up into her arms.

"There we go, no more pasta monster." She murmurs with a smile as she wraps the little one up in one of her pink towels, the hood falling comically over her head and covering her eyes. Scarlett adjusts the material with yet another fond smile, pressing a delicate kiss to her nose which earns her a quiet giggle and a happy leg kicks.

When Brielle shivers, however, she was quick to pull her close to her chest, heading through to the bedroom with the intention of getting her all ready for bed. "I know baby, you're okay." She soothes when Brielle lets out a quiet cry at being pulled away from her, keeping a steady hand on her tummy to keep her still as she reaches for a clean diaper from beneath the changing table.

Brielle was less than happy with this situation and makes it known by whining unhappily and kicking her legs. Scarlett gently grabs said legs and lifts them so she was able to slide a clean diaper beneath her behind, and Brielle's eyes begin to water signalling she was only moments away from crying.

Scarlett silently wills herself to hurry up.

"Just a second baby. Just a second." She attempts to sooth as she tapes the diaper securely to Brielle's hips, making hasty but careful work of adding a pink onesie that snaps at the crotch to the mix so the little one was at least somewhat covered. Just as Brielle's mouth opens to let out an unhappy cry, Scarlett bends and lifts her up into her arms. Brielle pauses for only a second before she nuzzles her tiny button nose into Scarlett's neck and lets out a content sigh, tiny hands clinging to the material of the woman's shirt.

As she holds the little one to her chest, Scarlett too finds herself letting out a sigh. But hers was one of relief. She'd already dealt with one tantrum today, and another was definitely not on her list. After hanging Brielle's towel up to dry, she heads back downstairs with intention of making Brielle a bedtime bottle.

The little one remains contently nestled against her chest as the microwave warms up the milk, and Scarlett, as she holds her close and places soothing pats to her padded behind, finds herself gently nuzzling her own nose into Brielle's neck, taking in that soft, soothing baby smell that brings her more comfort than she ever imagined could be possible.

The microwave pings just seconds later interrupting the soothing silence that had settled upon them, and whilst Brielle lets out an unhappy whine, Scarlett simply lets out a quiet sigh and grabs the bottle, screwing on the top before making sure it was neither too hot or too cold by tipping it upside down and squirting some into the inside of her wrist.

"All good," She murmurs to herself, tucking the bottle into the back pocket of her jeans beside giving Brielle a gentle bounce. "Alright baby, time for bed."

By the time she makes it upstairs, Brielle was more or less dozing off against her, and with a soft chuckle, she settles herself against the headboard of her bed with the little one cradled in her arms, her head nestled between the crook of her arm and breast. Brielle's eyes were closed, but Scarlett could tell she wasn't sleep by the way she was suckling hungry on her fingers, a line of drool running down her chin and hitting her chest.

Scarlett easily wipes it away with her thumb before trailing the nipple of the bottle against her bottom lip. "Hey sleepy girl. You want this?" She muses, watching as the little one suckles on air. She trails the bottle against her bottom lip again, and this time Brielle's subconscious seems to get the message by instinctively opening her mouth and beginning to eagerly suckle.

"There we go, pumpkin. Good girl."


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The book is actually going to start picking up soon, so look forward to that! I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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