To Xibalba

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The Next Morning....

Creek: Good morning, my lords!

Ivy: He's back....

Branch: Oh, no.


Creek: And now it is my turn. THE GODS HAVE AWAKENED!!!

Crowd: *cheers*

Viva: 😰

Branch: Hey, Viva, what's going on?

Viva: It's not gonna be good 😰

Creek: This city has been granted a great blessing! And what have we done to show our gratitude? A meager celebration. The gods deserve a proper tribute! 

Some Trolls bring a large bag.

Creek: The beginning of a new era, the dawning of a new age demands....sacrifice!

Bruce: I don't like this.

Ivy: Guys, we have to do something.

Clay: Stop! This is not a proper tribute!

Creek: You do not want tribute?

Ivy: No, we want tribute, it's just um, Clay, tell him.

Clay: The stars are not in position for this tribute.

Ivy: Like he says, stars.....can't do it......not today. 

Creek: Perhaps it is possible I have misread the heavens.

Floyd: Do not worry about, to heir is troll, to forgive-

Chief Peppy: My lords, may the trolls of El Dorado offer you OUR tribute.

The Trolls bring out a lot of gold.

Chief Peppy: My lords, does this please you.

John Dory: *sighs*

Bruce: Yes, very nice.

Clay: Yes, it'll do.

Chief Peppy: The gods have chosen! To Xibalba?

Viva: *whispers* No, no.

The Siblings: TO XIBALBA!!!

Viva: Ohh, great! *face palms*

The sibling then see the Trolls yeet the gold into the whirlpool.

JD, Bruce, Clay, Floyd, and Ivy: 😱😱😱😱😱

Viva: 😠

Branch: Hey um, Viva, what are they doing?

Viva: They're sending to Xibalba, the spirit world 😠

Bruce: Spirit world.

Viva: I'll take care of it. *walks up to her father* Excuse me, Chief? The gods have changed their minds about Xibalba, they wish to bask in reverence that has been shown them.

Chief Peppy: STOP! They wish to bask, take the tribute to the god's temple!

The Trolls take the gold to the temple as Viva walks back to the siblings.

Clay: You're good. 

As they walk back, Chief Peppy smiles at Creek.

Creek: Smile while you can 😈


Chaz notices the boat and six Troll footprints and one set of armadillo footprints

Chaz: Well, well, well, what have we here? *evil chuckle*

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