Without Question

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Floyd: Excuse me, where is everybody?

Troll: They've been cleared from the streets my lord, so the city can be cleansed, as you ordered.

Bruce: Cleansed?

Troll: Yes, so the Age Of The Jaguar can begin, as your ordered my lord.

The siblings notice that two Trolls are surrounding a Trolling.

Ivy: Hey! Stop that! What are you doing? Stop that!

Troll: But my lady, anyone who disobeys your orders must be punished, as you ordered.

Branch: Seems we've been giving a lot of orders, haven't we?

Troll: Creek has made your commands clear, my lord.

Branch: Really? Here's an order: Take the day off.

Ivy: [to the Trolling] Are you alright? *holds her hand out*

Trolling: *takes out her earrings and gives them to Ivy*

Ivy: Oh no, that's all right.

Trolling: *puts the earrings by Ivy's feet and runs away*


John Dory: Hey Rhonda, there you are.

Creek: Hmm, this is not what I expected, perhaps Lord Clay will enlighten me. How do I look?

Troll: Oh, uh, well, you...

Creek: Oh shut up.

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