Chapter 12

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Peace really is just the state of your mind. You can have everything you want in the world and still be restless or you can have the worst fear materialise in front of your eyes and still be calm within. How you achieve said calm is a different story altogether.

Harry never thought being boring would bring him such peace. Didn't know validation from his own mind would bring him more happiness than from the string of clients who literally worshipped the ground he walked.

He felt smug knowing he was best at his job but never this.


And to top it all he has Zayn too and this time without a contract and if Harry can not screw up again maybe indefinitely.

As a friend but it counts for him.

Truth be told when he hoped to move along his path of self-discovery he never thought he would have him again. So this is more than he can hope for.

But there is one thing nagging him the most. He remembers talking about it with Zayn. His family.

The absence of Gemma still tugs at his heart. He started texting her when he started uni. Knowing if she knew then his mother would too. They shared everything with each other the three of them. Used to. And a part of him is still wary about contacting his mother.

He got addicted to watching rom-coms because of Gemma and Anne. Every weekend used to be their movie night which was mostly a marathon of Dirty Dancing, Notebook, and Notting Hill. He still can't watch any of those movies without shedding a tear for all the time lost.

After years of radio silence from both their sides at least now, they talk even if it's through texts and even if he had lost his best friend in her forever. At least they are brother and sister again.

He shakes his thoughts and focuses on the task at hand.

It's Niall's birthday today and he is all out of ideas about the theme for his best friend's birthday party.

Zayn: Maybe a strip club.

His phone dings and sure enough there is a message from him because he made the biggest mistake of asking for advice.

Harry: It's a birthday party, not a bachelor's party.

Zayn: Don't put labels, babe. Besides I would love to try these places. Never been there before.

Harry ignores the fact that he still calls him babe. He can't possibly be flustered every time Zayn uses that endearment. That is too cheesy even for him.

Harry: Yeah, seeing hot men naked and rubbing themselves on me is definitely a great idea. Let's do it.

He knows Zayn is teasing him but he was never the one to go down without a fight.

Zayn: Never in a million years.

His jealousy is cute.

They end up going to yet another club. The venue chosen by Zayn because apparently he and Niall are best buds now. And Harry is not sure which one of the two he is jealous of.

Niall is getting an awful lot of mates lately.

His bartending gig has earned him a lot of new friends too. Even Harry can't deny that his Irish mate is quite charming. Lots of his colleagues from the club he works downtown are here to celebrate his birthday today with Zayn and David included.

Zayn did go above and beyond booking the entire club for the night and turning it into a theme party. The theme of the party is food (shocking) much to Niall's demands.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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