Chapter 50: The Complexities Of Life With A Teenage Girl

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Chapter 50: The Complexities Of Life With A Teenage Girl

Open Road, Southport, New Jersey.....

       With his foot on the gas, Ron Hemming barreled down the winding stretch of highway while riding in his expensive red-colored sports car, intent on reaching Savannah's school just as it let out. He'd been running a bit later than usual given his exploits before and during the latest photo shoot and knew all too well how upset Savannah would be should he be late in picking her up from school. He took note of the days winding down until the beginning of summer vacation and already planned to take the girl to his estate to better secure her while he continued his investigation and other pursuits as school was no longer a viable babysitter of sorts during the day. Nightfall had been another matter as many a vampire would be prowling among the masses in search of blood and acceptance with the heated nights and grueling days ahead. Ron did not doubt that his nemesis would make a move during this time, as it provided ample cover due to all of the transcontinental traveling that usually took place at this time of year.

So far, Marcellus had not been back to update his son on what the Elder Counsel had come up with in terms of dealing with the Vampirian threat that was Vincenzo Accardi and his rather ambitious drive to eradicate the were clans and claim power over the mortals for himself and his kind.

The roar of the engine filled the air as Ron managed to make it toward the street where the school had been located. The brute of a werewolf was dressed rather fancy in the attire given to him following the completion of the photo shoot as the very intriguing Vampirian Rita had ripped his previous shirt and he had done the same to his jeans in the wake of their hated sex romp upon meeting one another in his dressing room.

Having little other choice in the way of attire, Ron elected to redress what was available. As a result, his crisp white shirt had remained open and his abs were visible beneath the black slacks and heavy black boots that lined his feet. He rounded the corner and pulled into the front of the school intent on making sure Savannah knew he had arrived.

The moment the car pulled up and skidded to a stop in from of the school, all eyes immediately fell upon him as he climbed out and walked toward the front where many of the students were making their way toward their respective vehicles. Savannah rolled her eyes when she saw him, dressed like he'd just gotten off the front of a magazine cover as she attempted to ignore the embarrassing cheers and jeers from the other students, especially the other girls.

Skylar had been the worst among them wolf-whistling as she saw Ron's abs in real time. She bit her bottom lip and attempted to approach him as she made comments about wanting to touch him in person.

"Hi Mr. Hemming," she said trying her hand at seduction which had not registered to Ron in the least.

"Hi Skylar," replied Ron with a polite smile. "You seen Vannah?"

"She's over there." replied Skylar still staring at Ron's exposed abs as she mouthed the word "HOT" to her friend who had done her best to ignore her from behind the column where she ducked upon Ron's arrival.

Savannah sighed coming from behind a column as she gripped her books and waded through the embarrassment of having someone so attractive be her guardian. She narrowed her eyes at Skylar for a few moments before Ron greeted her with a hug much to the shock and dismay of the other girls who had wanted the same from him.

"How was your day?" asked Ron genuinely playing up his role as her uncle.

"Boring," replied Savannah. "Like usual."

Ron smirked.

He did not doubt that school had been boring at this age, as much as it was in his day.

"At least you have central air and heating," he remarked as they headed toward his car after Skylar and Savannah shared their goodbyes.

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