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on the plane

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on the plane

dont die!!

Saturday 12:39

where should i meet you guys

at [hotel name]
we're checking in rn

okay! be there in 15

putting on a timer
btw the guys are excited to meet

and awww
im so nervous but same

you're walking here?????

yeah, i was out and about
before you guys came

see you :)



VALERIE TURNED OFF her phone as she smiled at the last text john had sent her. adjusting her jacket, she pressed onto the route her phone had given her. it would've been faster if she had just stayed at home and taken an uber, since who knows what they'll be doing tonight, but she just couldn't stay at home. she was antsy but excited. this is the first time in a couple of years that she made new friends.

she just had to get out of her apartment and move around. she had hit a couple of local places, like a coffee shop and a bookstore just to pass the time. and as valerie's mind wandered and she took the final turn on the designated street, the hotel was in sight.

wiping her sweaty palms on her jacket as she approached the building, she tried to hype herself up to walk through those doors and greet her new friends. valerie opened the lobby doors and took a step inside of the carpeted room. making her way to a small lounge area, she pulled out her phone and sent john a text saying that she arrived.

the woman tucked some of her hair behind her ear as she nervously looked around before checking her phone; she had no idea what to do. but as an entourage of voices started bounding closer, one call out, in particular, made her turn her head.

"val! over here!"

the voice was one she heard countless times, but clearer as they now stood almost face to face. turning around and spotting the group of guys, she waved back at john as she made her way towards everyone.

"well, well, well... look who finally decided to show up." john disconnected from the group slightly, who was too busy checking in, a small smile on his face, "that walk was more than fifteen minutes."

"shut up, john. you can only walk so fast with sidewalk traffic," valerie rolled her eyes, her hand balling up slightly to go and lightly nudge him but she stopped herself.

she cleared her throat and dropped her hand, going to tuck the same piece of hair she did before behind her ear. "sooo.... check-in?"

"oh, yeah. i'm going after tyler. which... yeah, i'll be right back." he stammered around a little, taking a step back and pointing towards a tall guy with a trucker hat.

valerie nodded as she gestured for him to go, internally sinking into herself as he went towards his friends. because why the hell did she do that? she waited by herself for a moment before some of the guys dropped off their bags to be taken in, and others brought their bags up into their rooms instead.

the first one to greet her other than john was smii7y— or jaren as he introduced himself.

"well if we're going by first name basis already, then i'm valerie." she smiled at the canadian who reciprocated it back.

"i'm guessing that's where the val nickname comes from."

"oh wow! how'd you guess? i've been told it's pretty inconspicuous."

jaren chuckled a little and they fell into an easy conversation. more of the boys bounded over and valerie met some new faces and not-so-new ones. but as time went on, they realized that john was taking a little too long at the desk.

they had waited for him nonetheless, and when he reconnected with everyone he seemed a little upset.

"yo, john. what's up, man?" puffer was the first to speak up, resulting in chimes from everyone around him.

"nothing— or well, it's not nothing. listen, i paid for my room, i'm so sure i did! but they can't find my name and they're fully booked. i've got no place to go." john shrugged as he stuffed his phone back into his pocket, a frustrated sigh leaving him.

"oh, dude. what? will they at least hold your bags?" jaren asked and john briefly nodded.

and valerie doesn't know what came over her, truly she doesn't. maybe an act of bravery or an act of stupidity as she offered, "you could stay with me?"

john looked at her, surprised, and shook his head, "val, i can't do that—"

"no, i insist!" she cut him off, "it'll be cheaper and it's the least i can do. plus... this hotel's rooms are known for being kind of small. not really shareable."

"are you sure?"


they stared at each other for a few beats of silence before matt clapped his hands together and distracted all of their attention. stating that they should now get a move on with their plans.

what were the plans, valerie asked. they all just said a surprise as they dragged her and everyone else out of the lobby. (AKA. they didn't know either.)





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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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