Chapter 145

166 12 7

I do not own pic!

"You truly love me, [name], I know it, and I love you too, more than you can ever think..."

Itachi said in a soft voice, smirking slightly tucking your hair behind your ear...
Again, you found yourself helpless against him, you were mad a moment ago because of what he said about his you're weak...

Those red eyes...

You closed your eyes, and stood up and turned around about to walk away from him, but he quickly caught your arm.

"It is useless to close your eyes", he said with a chuckle, making you open your eyes and turn around and look at him confused, what does he mean? What he is doing to you? Is he...manipulating you somehow?

You remained just staring at him, as he stood up right in front of you, without saying a word, but the look in your eyes explained everything...

"It is useless, because the effect I have on you is not because of my is", he said smiling, yet your lips remained forming that straight line.

"Anyway, don't talk to me like that again, I don't want anything from you, I never asked...", you trailed off, trying hard to stop some more tears to fall, as you bite hard on your lower lip, at that point, he knew he kinda messed up, and he needs to act fast before the first day on the island is ruined...

"Who else I'd tell about my mistakes? You're my hear me and help me get these stuff away...I'm sorry for upsetting you but...I don't regret telling you, I know deeply you know why I did that..."


"Anyway...let me ask you the same question in a different way: is this enough? [Name], is there anything I can get or do to make you happier? Tell me...", Itachi said in a gentler way.

"I don't think that's the right time to ask me this...", you replied, apparently still disappointed.

"[Name], sweetheart...we will not spend our precious time on our lovely island upset with each other, will we? Come here my beloved, that's enough...", Itachi said softly, pulling you closer, you didn't try to stop him, you slowly rested your head on his chest, you smiled slightly as you hugged him, he has a point, and deep inside, you know he didn't want to annoy you...

More days passed, weeks...

Unlike your first visit to the island when you spent only about a month there consisting of your delayed honey moon, this time, Itachi told you that you two will stay there until the start of college, and that's the time when he has to be back to the company as well to take care of things closely...

There was barely a week left before you will head back home in the city.
It was a lovely evening, the sun was starting to turn orange, soon to go down.
You were sitting down on the beach, enjoying the nice breeze and writing down on your dairy, the one you dedicated specifically to write down your memories that you made on the island.

You were alone there while Itachi seemed to be still in his office doing some works and phone calls. You enjoyed the company of your two parrot friends that you didn't hesitate to set free and let them have good times in the trees around.

"I thought you must be here", you looked backwards hearing Itachi's voice, he smiled at you then took a seat beside you on the beach facing the view of the ocean and the sun.

"I wanted to spend some time here, clear my mind...I prepared dinner to have here then we can go sleep in the house later", you said, writing something down on your diary.

"As you want...", he trailed off, as then you closed your diary and put it aside.

"Is there something wrong, Itachi?", you asked.

"No, I was just thinking about the time we spent passed quickly", he said, looking at your face and the reflection of the weak sunlight on your eyes.

"Yes, but still, it was longer than then first time", you replied with a kind smile.

"We will be back...[name]?"


"I asked you once before, if you would live here permanently, and you said yes, do you still-"

"Yes! I'd still want to stay here!", you cut him, answering his unfinished question excitedly, making him chuckle.

"I see, yet this time we need to go back to Tokyo"

"Yes, college is starting soon...", you said making Itachi nod in response, but soon your conversation has been interrupted as his phone started ringing.

Itachi answered the phone quickly after reading the name of the caller. From what he was saying you can tell it was something about business or some deal, you couldn't quite tell what it was exactly. Itachi seemed like he didn't want to discuss anything at the moment and wanted to end the call quickly, telling whoever the caller was that he will tell them later what to do.

As Itachi hung up the phone, he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer, as you rested your head on his chest and watched the sunset toghter, while the lanterns and lights around started lighting the place gradually...

His beloved...(Itachi X Reader [Modern])Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu