- Chapter 28 -

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Have hours passed?
Or days?

My head was pounding.
The mind was off.
The heart was pulsating.
The chest trembled.
Her hands were numb.

Anna opened her eyes.
It felt like she was lying on a sofa, as low and askew as she was, and later she would be right.
The room was far too dark and smelled of mold.
Light broke through thick curtains in small dots, revealing the filthy wooden floor.
She swallowed, took a breath and was glad not to have to taste any more blood.
She was cold and when she looked down at herself, she knew why.
She was almost naked. Her breasts had been bandaged.
A short pair of men's shorts covered the most important part.
Several small and fine needles were sticking out of her arms and she could feel bandages on her neck.
No one was there. At least that's what she thought.
There was a rustling behind her and at first she suspected mice or rats, but the man who was in the room at the time - wearing a tight gray suit and mask - stepped forward and squatted down next to her.
"I didn't mean for Spinner to hurt you like that. I'm sorry. That's why I'm here, to take care of you enough to keep you alive..."
"Who are you?"
"Villains, bad guys, enemies, gangsters - call it what you want. We're a league and we want to put an end to heroes like you."
Anna was surprised at how talkative he was and thought it best to take advantage of this here and now.
"I'm Anna and what's your name?"
"I know your name is Anna. We've done some good research on you...I'm Twice."
Anna thought about the meaning of the name and finally noticed that the suit contained two different shades of gray, separating in the middle.
Before she could go into it further, something occurred to her:
"Where's BloodKing?"
She coughed.
"Next door. It's critical but I think he'll make it.
Unfortunately, we're just eeetttwwaaass understaffed at the moment - oops, should I have said that?" he laughed,
"You're too weak to get anything done anyway."
Anna tried to move her hands and get the blood circulating again. She wasn't tied up and she should take advantage of that.
"Why understaffed?" she deflected.
"The squad is back to your training camp and letting loose some awesome chaos!!! Best case scenario, we come back with Katsuki and All Might, because I'm going there too."

"You are cowardly pigs and nothing more"
Twice didn't reply to that and stood up. He placed two bottles of water and some travel by her sofa and walked to the doorway.
He stuck his head out.
"And you're really going to look after them?"
There was a muffled murmur. Someone had to be standing further away.
"Well, when Shigaraki gets back, you'll get new tasks. Then go ahead and keep an eye on them. If one of them fights back, you know what to do."
Footsteps sounded and came closer.
Twice turned to her again and looked her over. Then he went out.
The door closed again.
Now she was finally alone and her thoughts revolved around so many things. How was Vlad, Jinji, Shota? How long had they been away? Do they know where they are? And why is Hawks one of them?

She wondered whether the students had also been attacked during the night or whether the final blow was about to be struck.
Katsuki and All Might.
She had realized far too late that All Might was not present at the training. He couldn't be there for personal reasons, so Vlad had taken his place.
How will they react when they realize that?
Her hands pinched and crackled as she stretched her fingers and pulled them together again.
Her head was heavy and she felt dizzy.
Did she have to be on a drip? Could she free herself and walk?
She heard footsteps again.
The guardian was bound to come in any minute.
Lying down was not an option.
She had to get up, take the bowl of rice and put it over his head.
Knock him unconscious.
She had to get out of here.
Save Vlad.
And get out.
Just get out.
The door opened and Anna jumped up, the bowl in one hand, a bottle of water in the other.
'Everything on it, on it, on it. Knock them unconscious. Unconscious...'
Anna's feet gave out, her heart pounded and her mind went blank.
'Must get out. Just get out. Get out. Out...'
Raising her arm to strike at the right moment, she fell forward.
Her body couldn't take the strain.

She pressed her head to her chest, expecting the hard impact.
But she didn't touch the ground.

The minder caught her.
Rice and pottery fell clattering to the floor and Anna tried to flail her arms back and forth hastily just before she lost consciousness, but she was held fast.
Everything she did was too strenuous.

"I'm going to die here?..." she breathed, trying to focus her eyes on her surroundings, on the overseer who was pulling her towards him.
His blond medium-length hair hung wildly, his yellow glasses were scratched and his red wings were short and battered.
"I won't let you do that."

"Goo-oo aa-way," she pressed through her gritted teeth and a pained groan followed.
He looked worried.
Not like back in the room when he'd looked at her with such disgust.
He looked seriously worried.
Anna no longer understood anything.
Was he fooling her? Acting worried and in love to get information?
Or was he really worried about her?
"No. No, I'm staying. I didn't know anything about it...I didn't know they were taking you...I didn't mean to..." his voice broke off and Anna saw his eyes turn red and moist.
He seemed so innocent and depressed - not as self-confident as he had been back home.
More weak and humiliated.
Anna was already getting used to the face when his expression distorted and he looked down at her.
She didn't know what was going on. She only knew that she was tired.
Very tired.
Her eyelids grew heavy and she fell asleep.

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