Daniel Garcia

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You and Skye haul your bags out of the back of your Uber and cross the parking lot to the hotel. A few fans are loitering around in the lobby when you come through the door, but you and Skye are used to it by now.

"YN! Skye! We're huge fans! We love you!" A couple of younger girls come up to the two of you. "Can we get a photo?" They ask.

"Sure." You nod. "We've got time for a quick photo, right Skye?" You glance at her for confirmation.

Skye nods, always happy to indulge her fans, as long as they aren't being stalky or rude. You and Skye both rock your signature mean looks and snap a couple of pictures with the girls. Satisfied the girls run off laughing and giggling with one another about the encounter. You and Skye both smile at one another and pick your bags back up.

"That was so cute." You laugh with Skye. "Gosh, I love fans like that." You smile to yourself.

Skye agrees and picks up her bags as well. The two of you are just about to start walking over to the check-in desk when someone else blocks your path.

"You ladies giving out photos?" Daniel Garcia saunters up to the two of you.

"Daniel." Skye blinks at Garcia with an unamused expression on her face.

"Hey, Daniel." You greet Daniel as well, but without the cold shoulder that Skye is giving him.

Skye walks off to get checked into your room and you hang behind to chat with Garcia for a minute.

"Damn, I'd of killed for a photo." Daniel teases you with a grin.

"Aw, poor baby." You giggle. "Guess you'll just have to catch me at my next meet and greet, Danny. And pay like everyone else." You add with a wink.

Daniel chuckles, clearly enjoying the game. "I'd happily dish out some cash if it meant I got a chance with you, baby." He winks at you.

You roll your eyes playfully and head off to join Skye. Daniel watches you saunter off and shakes his head as you go. His eyes follow you up until you disappear into the elevator.

Later into the night, you and Skye are hanging out backstage while you wait for your tag match against Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander. Skye is busy texting with her boyfriend Lee so you're stuck idling around while she stares at her phone.

You lean against a box of camera equipment and wait for Skye to finish her conversation. You watch people walk by with a bored look on your face. That is until you spot Daniel coming your way with Matt Menard at his side.

"Hey, Danny." You bat your thick eyelashes at Garcia as he passes by you with Matt.

Daniel locks eyes with you and you grin to yourself as he stutters out something to Matt as they pass you. Garcia's pace slows a bit and he turns back to look at you before Matt drags him away.

"You looking to take a bite out of Daniel Garcia, YN?" Skye looks up from her phone.

You laugh and turn back to Skye. "Maybe." You grin to yourself. "Garcia is cute, don't you think? And I swear that deep voice catches me off guard whenever I hear him talk." You bite your lip.

"Okay!" Skye laughs and puts her phone away.

You and Skye head down to the tunnel since it's time for your tag match. The two of you have a rough tag match with Willow and Kris that ends in a huge brawl breaking out between the two teams.

Security all file out to the ring and break yours and Willow's team up. One of the security guards yanks you off of Kris and hauls you away. The same thing happens to Skye and the two of you are escorted backstage.

"Okay. Okay! I get it!" You shrug off the security guard holding you once you and Skye are backstage.

The security guard lets you go and steps back from you. Skye is also released and the two of you are given some space to cool off for a minute. Adrenaline pumps through your veins and you wipe some blood dripping out of your mouth from a cut on the inside of your lip.

A deep laugh sounds from the other side of the room and your eyes dart towards the noise. You find Daniel leaning against the wall with an amused smile plastered on his face.

"Damn, YN." Daniel pushes off the wall and walks over to you and Skye. "That was one hell of a fight." He pulls a bottle of water from behind his back and offers it to you.

"Thanks, Danny." You take the bottle from him and uncap it to get a drink.

The cool water soothes the sting in the inside of your mouth from the cut. You turn and offer the bottle to Skye who takes it.

Lee pops up from the locker room to check in on Skye and you find yourself left out once again. At least until you remember that Daniel is still hanging out.

"You doing anything after the show, Garcia?" You turn toward Daniel.

"Nothing I can't cancel real easily, why?" Daniel replies, quickly catching onto what you're hinting at.

You shrug with an amused smile. "I suppose that I could be persuaded to maybe get some dinner with you, Daniel." You tease him. "If you're willing to pay."

"I think I could swing that." Daniel chuckles.

Garcia leans forward and brushes a finger down your arm and a shiver runs up your spine. The two of you smile at one another playfully until you feel Skye tap your shoulder.

"You ready to go get changed?" Skye asks you and you see Lee walk off for the time being.

"Yeah." You nod to Skye before turning back to Daniel. "You want to meet me back at the hotel in a couple of hours, Danny?" You ask Garcia.

Daniel nods. "Yeah, sure." He agrees to meet up with you later. "Wear something pretty for me, yeah?" He winks at you playfully.

"Sure!" You laugh before walking off with Skye.

You head back to the locker room with Skye and get changed back out of your ring gear. You and Skye head back to the hotel and you grab a quick shower before getting all dolled up for your date with Daniel.

You are in the middle of finishing your makeup when Skye skips into the room. "Wow, YN." Skye admires your work. "The makeup looks great!" She compliments you. "Know what you're going to wear?"

"Haven't figured that out yet." You frown. "I didn't really bring anything cute with me." You complain.

"Let me see what I've got," Skye replies before disappearing back into the other room.

You finish your makeup and walk out to the main room. Skye digs through her bag for a minute and eventually pulls out a cute black dress from the bottom of her bag.

"Here, this should fit." Skye hands you the dress and you slip it on.

You slip on the dress and find that it fits damn near perfectly. You admire your reflection in the mirror before putting together your clutch purse. A knock sounds at the door a couple of minutes later, and Skye answers it while you're getting your heels on.

"YN, your date is here for you." Skye leans on the doorway.

You get your heels on and meet Garcia at the door. His eyes widen when he sees you and you have to stifle a laugh.

"Well?" You prompt Garcia. "How do I look? Nice enough for you, Danny?" You ask him.

Daniel shakes his head in disbelief before he steps out of the way for you. "You look...wow." He answers you breathlessly.

You giggle and turn back to Skye, still leaning on the door. "I'll back late, Skye. Don't wait up." You inform her.

"Got it." Skye giggles playfully and shuts the door on you.

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