Orange Cassidy

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Music blares in your ears as the SUV rolls down the road towards the arena. Chuck and Trent are both sitting in front talking to one another about something or other. And Orange Cassidy, or James as you know him, is sitting silently next to you.

The SUV rolls into the parking lot at the back of the arena and you pull your headphones off of your head. Everyone files out of the vehicle and heads to the trunk for their bags. You let out a small yawn and stretch your arms over your head while Trent opens the trunk. Too busy with your stretching, you don't notice the edge of the trunk in your path. But thankfully, James does.

"Watch it." James leans forward and grabs your arm to pull you out of the way.

You stumble forward into him and steady yourself. "Crap. Thanks, James." You thank him for pulling you out of the way.

James nods and you go back to fetching your bags from the trunk. Everyone gets their bags and heads inside the arena for Dynamite. The group is mostly silent as you make your way through the backstage area and towards the locker rooms.

Chuck and Trent are at the front of the pack talking quietly about something, which leaves you and James a few feet behind them walking side by side silently. You glance forward and notice Trent's body language. He seems tense. Which is odd for him considering the circumstances.

You nudge James subtly and nod forward at Trent and Chuck. "Does Trent seem off to you?" You ask him quietly.

James looks forward and the pair and shrugs. "He looks fine." He answers you. "Maybe a little tired? No one got much sleep on the plane ride."

You nod in agreement and drop the subject for the time being. Everyone makes it back to the locker room and settles in for the show.

You keep to yourself for the most of the night, which is nothing new for you. But you can't help but notice that Trent is doing the same. Which is very much unlike him. You keep an eye on him as subtly as you can while everyone gets ready for Trent and James' tag match against the Young Bucks.

"Okay! Everyone ready to head out?" You head over to the door when it's time for the tag match.

James and Chuck both nod and head for the door. Trent takes a few more seconds to join the three of you and you all head down to the ring. You and Chuck hang back and let Trent and James take the lead since they're the ones in the match.

"Hey, Chuck?" You decide to talk to Chuckie about Trent's odd behavior while the two of you waiting for the tag match to be over.

"Yeah?" Chuck turns away from the ring and looks down at you.

You bite the inside of your lip, unsure about how to start the conversation. "Chuck...have you noticed anything weird about Trent, lately?" You ask him.

"Trent?" Chuck replies and glances into the ring. "Umm, I don't know." He shrugs. "I guess he's been a little on edge these past few weeks."

You nod and turn toward the ring as well. You ad Chuck manage to turn just in time to see Trent and James lose the match to the Young Bucks.

"Oh no!" You gasp and move to climb up onto the ring apron. "Crap. What happened, guys?" You slip through the ring ropes and walk over to console Trent.

Trent has his back turned to you, so you can't see the rage in his eyes or his clenched fists. You continue to approach him to make sure that he's okay, but James stops you in your tracks.

"YN, don't." James steps in front of you.

"What?" You furrow your brows in confusion as James stands in front of you.

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