El Phantasmo

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"Knock knock." You stand in the hallway in front of the G.O.D locker room door and announce yourself. "Am I free to come in?" You ask with the door cracked open slightly so the occupants can hear you.

"You're good, dollface!" You hear Riley shout from inside the locker room.

With confirmation from Riley, you open the door fully and slip inside. Riley is busy lacing up his boots, but you notice the blatant absence of your brother.

"Where's Hikuleo at?" You shut the locker room door and plop down in a chair next to Riley.

"Nice to see you too, sweetness." Riley chuckles and turns around to face you. "He lumbered off to catering for a quick bite to eat before our match." He explains.

You nod and notice Riley's signature light-up glasses sitting on the table next to you. You pluck them off the table and slip them onto your face.

"How do I look?" You ask Riley playfully and fish your phone out of your pocket to take some pictures of yourself.

"Like on rocking babe, gorgeous." Riley muses as he watches you take a few pictures with his glasses on. "Mind if I join?" He walks around the back of your chair and leans down over your shoulder with a grin.

You laugh and take a couple of pictures with Riley. You hand him back his glasses and turn your attention to your phone so you can post some of the photos.

Riley takes his glasses and sits down next to you so the two of you can chat while you wait for Hikuleo to return from catering. You are busy on your phone looking for a good filter for your pictures so Riley grabs his phone and decides to look at his socials for a bit.

It doesn't take Riley long while scrolling through Twitter to come across a post from Shane Haste, one of the men he and Hikuleo are challenging for their tag championships later tonight.

"Ugh, Haste is such a loser," Riley grumbles to himself as he reads the post from Shane regarding Haste hoping to see you tonight during the tag match.

"Shane Haste?" You look up from your phone. "Got that right." You agree with Riley's loser comment. "I ran into him yesterday at the hotel and he told me my ass looked good in the jeans I was wearing." You scoff to yourself.

Riley sets his phone down with a grimace and matches your scoff. "Damn, are you serious?" He asks you.

You nod and go back to looking for a good photo filter, blissfully unaware of the sour expression on Riley's face.

A few minutes later, Hikuleo comes back from catering and greets you and Riley.

"Hey! There she is." Hikuleo smiles at you as he comes through the door. "I was beginning to think that you weren't going to bother to show up." He jokes with you.

"Well with Tama and Tanga gone, someone has to be here to annoy you, right?" You laugh. "Plus, Riley would miss me too much. Right, Riley?" You tease him playfully.

Riley laughs with you and nods. "My poor heart would shatter into a million pieces if I didn't get to see my beloved YN at least once a week" He clutches at his heart jokingly.

Hikuleo rolls his eyes and everyone does some last-minute checks before it's time for Riley and Hikuleo's tag match.

The time comes for the match to start so you head out with the boys down to the ring. Riley gets up to his usual shenanigans once he's out in the ring and you laugh at his antics. You take up a spot in Riley and Hikuleo's corner and Riley comes bouncing over to you after messing around with the crowd a bit.

"Hold these for me, please, pretty lady." Riley stops in front of you and places his glasses on your head from his spot perched on the ring apron above you.

You secure his glasses on your head and settle into the corner of your team for the match. The TMDK theme starts blasting through the arena a few seconds later and you roll your eyes. You watch Shane and Mikey saunter down to the ring with their usual confident swagger.

Shane spots you hanging out in your brother's corner and can't help himself. He comes skipping up to you with a smug grin. "YN! Well, my day just got 100 times better." He winks at you.
"Damn. How is it you are looking even hotter than when I saw you earlier today?" He asks you.

"Ugh. Get lost, Haste." You roll your eyes and turn away from him.

"Tsk, come on, YN." Haste pursues you.

You turn back around to tell Shane off but your brother comes to your rescue. You crack an amused smile as Hikuleo towers over Shane and mean-mugs his opponent until Shane is forced to back off.

"Thanks, Hikuleo." You turn around and thank your brother for his help.

Hikuleo nods and steps back up into the ring. The bell sounds and the match gets underway. Riley and Shane start the bout off and waste no time in getting at one another.

You hang back and stay out of the way for the most part. But toward the end of the match, Shane comes back around to bother you while Mikey is in the ring with Hikuleo and Riley is lying on the floor near the opposite side of the ring.

"Oh, YN!" Shane sing-songs as he comes around the corner.

"Do you know what 'no' means, Shane?" You scoff as he approaches you. "It's not going to happen, Haste. So get lost!" You scowl at him.

Shane is yet to be deterred by your blatant disdain for him. He keeps on coming toward you and you back away from him. Suddenly, Riley comes flying through the ropes from inside the ring and crashes right into Shane. The two men go flying into the barricade and you rush over to them to help Riley up.

"Thanks, fly-boy." You grab Riley's arm and haul him off the floor next to Shane.

"Happy to help, gorgeous." Riley winks at you playfully. "The only person allowed to shoot bad pick-up lines at you is me." He insists.

You laugh and Riley heads back into the ring to finish up the tag match. He works in tandem with Hikuleo and the pair manage to pull the win out from under TMDK. Hikuleo makes the winning pin and you jump for joy.

You snag the titles from their place over in the time-keepers area and rush back to the ring with them. You present one belt to your brother before turning to Riley and handing him the other.

"Congrats to the new tag champions!" You raise Hikuleo and Riley's hands in the air. "Hikuleo and El Phantasmo! G.O.D!"

The three of you celebrate in the ring for a few minutes before everyone heads backstage again. You are walking past Shane and Mikey when an idea pops into Riley's head. He grabs your arm out of the blue to stop you from moving past Shane and Mikey on the ramp.

"Hey! Shane!" Riley catches Haste's attention. "You see her?" He points to you. "YN is my girl, playboy! So screw off and quit bothering her!"

Shane scoffs, intent on ignoring Riley's claim. But before Haste can make a comment, Riley yanks you forward and into his chest. Your eyes go wide for a split second before Riley crashes his lips to yours in a heated kiss.

"My girl! Capiche?" Riley snakes an arm around your waist and glares at Shane.

"Man, whatever." Shane scoffs and storms off.

You turn to the side, still in Riley's arms, and confront him. "Your girl?" You question him with a quirked brow.

"What?" Riley cracks a grin. "Come on, YN. You know you love me." He teases you and leans forward to place a kiss on your cheek.

You giggle and nod. "Well, I guess dating the great, El Phantasmo, doesn't seem so bad." You give in and lean in for another kiss. 

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