Chapter 10

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I awoke to sun peeking through the blinds of an unfamiliar room, to which I immediately remembered belonged to the girl I had fucked hours ago.

It was weird, I remembered immediately going upstairs, but after, well, we must've gotten pretty crazy downstairs after because it was all blank.

I just couldn't believe I had slept here.

Oh God, Richie is going to kill me.

I rushed to the nightstand, realizing I was actually naked as I checked my phone, seeing multiple missed calls from Richie.

I closed my eyes, feeling a wave of guilt overtake me as I looked around the room for my clothes.

I tugged them on, immediately feeling grimy and smelling the weed on my clothes.

God, Richie was really going to kill me if he was up right now.

I grabbed my keys off of the nightstand, along with the girl's pack of cigarettes as I rushed out the door, anxiously looking for Irin.

I trotted downstairs and spotted her passed out on the couch, along with some random guy as I crept up to her.

I nudged her, "Irin."

Her eyes opened slowly as she groaned, "God... what time is it?"

I whispered, "10:45."

"My mom's gonna kill me."

I laughed to myself as we made our way out the door, "Same here, Richie's gonna be pissed."

Irin's eyes switched to me as we climbed into my car, "Yea I feel sorry for you."

I started it up and peeled out, leaving the scene of the house as I sped towards Irin's.

I remembered suddenly that Freeb was supposed to be keeping Richie company last night.

What if she was still there when I got home? Did I really want to face her today?

It's not like I had a choice, I would need to go home eventually, but maybe she had already left.

I drove up Irin's driveway as she climbed out, waving, "See you."

Then I was on my way home, blaring some Journey song as I tried not to think about Freen.

I didn't get it, why she was constantly on my mind, but it was quite annoying.

Not much occupied my mind, especially a specific girl, so of course it scared me.

But I pushed the thought of her to the back of my mind as I lit a cigarette, placing it between my lips and inhaling, hoping it would mask the smell of weed.

I pulled up into the apartment complex, driving up to mine as I saw Freen's familiar car sitting there in a parking spot.

I rolled my eyes, pulling into the garage as I turned off my car, praying Richie wouldn't be too mad at me.

It was too early for an argument.
I stepped out the car, deciding it would be better to go through the front door rather than the garage, because that's where he was expecting me.

I went around the front, unlocking the door and letting myself in, only to come face to face with Freen.

"You really stink."

I looked at her, closing the door and raising one eyebrow, "Why are you talking to me?"

I pushed past her, heading towards my room whenever I then came face to face with Richie, who seemed to be majorly pissed off.

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