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May 12th
This is ridiculous


"I'm sorry but this is ridiculous."

"What is?"

Peter glanced up at his brother. "These questions." He muttered, showing his brother the maths paper he had. "Half of them make absolutely no sense."

Edmund took the practice paper from him and glanced over the questions, frowning the more he read. "Yikes." He breathed. "They're definitely gonna take some working out."

"See, even you're struggling and you're the smart one." Peter grumbled.

Edmund raised an eyebrow at him. "Took you that long to admit it?" He asked.

Peter rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know it's true." He sighed. "Perhaps you can help me?"

Edmund went back to looking over the first question. "I reckon I could figure this one out at least." He murmured almost under his breath. "When do you need to hand this in by?"

"Next Monday." Peter told him.

"You busy tonight?" Edmund asked.

"Nope." Peter replied.

"Good," Edmund said with a laugh. "Meet me in the library after dinner, I'll see how much I can help you with."

"You're a lifesaver." Peter told him, "I gotta go to History, but thank you!"

Edmund nodded at him. "See you later." He said.

"Bye." Peter responded, before rushing off.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now